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View Full Version : Afx Relaunch????

7th Jun 2004, 14:43
Word down here at EGHH is that PB will be relaunching again in July. One 747 - registered in Far East. Good Luck to him hope it all works ok this time. Anybody got anything further?

7th Jun 2004, 20:43
Creditors who actually become creditors after AFX' first "launch" will never see their money back, that's for sure..... :mad:

El Jefe
8th Jun 2004, 07:13
To anyone even considering working for PJB......
Do yourselves a favour, and keep away.
His airline has gone under twice....... Do you really think this time will be any different?


8th Jun 2004, 09:41
This has got to be a joke or a whined up!!!!!!!!!!!!!please let it be so.

Nom De Guerre
8th Jun 2004, 11:15
Is this the 3rd or the 4th attempt?

bacardi walla
8th Jun 2004, 17:15
Hopefully the last. This guy needs stringing up. How can anyone trust him after failing so many times....

9th Jun 2004, 13:54
Easy to sit back and knock PJB, and he sure ain't perfect, but he deserves a medal for sheer determination and for putting his own money up rather than conning investors. Look at the last 40 or so years of British Airlines, apart perhaps for Brittania none has survived, and most have gone down taking their staffs' pensions and unpaid salaries, private and institutional investment., so PJB is rather better than some (like Sir F) who lost everybody elses money but somehow came out with a nice little pile of cash for themselves.

9th Jun 2004, 17:23
hangininon747 an interesting first post. Maybe you are the man himself....

9th Jun 2004, 19:12
No, but felt compelled to reply to bacardi walla, if his 238 posts were all as venomous and unhelpful as this, at least I tried to make my first one a bit more positive and constructive.

bacardi walla
9th Jun 2004, 20:11
But at least I report fact and say things as they really are.

The Streets
10th Jun 2004, 10:00
Yes Baccardi,

In your usual vitriolic and bitter way.

Take keeping the tablets old chum.

10th Jun 2004, 10:41
Can we keep this on track ie not let the thread degenerate into a mudslinging affair as so often happens on these forums (though rarely in here). Doesn't matter who started....

I knew a lot of AFX people, since they worked closely with the airline I work for. In that sense, I have an interest in learning of any news concerning a re-launch.

Best regards to all

747 Downwind
12th Jun 2004, 10:27
Everyone deserves a second chance (or in this case a third!), but the principle remains nevertheless. PB is trying to re-launch the operation and as a consequence money owed CAN be repayed which is better than others have done in the past.

It would be great to see more UK based independent airlines succeed, a trait that has been a great attribute to British aviation in the past- Good luck AFX:ok:

To those bullies who keep putting them down.. leave 'em alone:{

12th Jun 2004, 13:34
I dont see how a relaunch of afx will repay money's owed, as the new company will not be under British law or I presume based in the UK.

Schrodingers Cat
12th Jun 2004, 14:57
Who exactly will hold the AOC? Who will the director in charge of engineering/maintenance be? What is the period between safety audits specified by the CAA? All questions it might well be worth asking oneself before leaving ones little hidey hole.........:suspect:

747 Downwind
13th Jun 2004, 10:39
Their future base, a/c country of registration etc are all uncertain at present... this IS speculation and hence why I stated CAN repay arrears, and NOT 'will repay moneys owed'.

Irrespective of all the controversy and ambiguity surrounding their re-launch, I wish them the very best;)

13th Jun 2004, 13:50
I too do not have an axe to grind and wish afx all the very best but can not see PB paying off all the out standing moneys
PB had the chance last time and did not take it, instead put many more people and staff out of pocket.

747 DOWNWIND= I hope you are right but I can't see it.