View Full Version : D-Day Anniversary - thank you SA

6th Jun 2004, 13:45
Hopefully, the SABC will show much of the procedeedings taking place in France today to commemorate the first D-Day landings 60 years ago.

If it isn't too pompous, I would like to say a small personal thank-you those brave South Africans, Rhodesians and all other Africans who fought with us then so that we may as we are today.

We will remember them.


Pontius' Pilot
6th Jun 2004, 13:58
Watched a large portion of the commemoration activities on Sky and BBC here in the Indian Ocean.

Yes, a moving experience to see. We certainly need to remember them.

7th Jun 2004, 19:23
One should just remember that history has, and will always be written by the Victors...


8th Jun 2004, 07:54
You should read the History books the South African kids have to learn today, Van Riebeck meeting the Koi and the San……….discoverers of the Cape. My History teacher, a burly old bugger/burger who looked just like the famous picture of Oom Paul Kruger with as many kids, would roll over in his grave. :uhoh::uhoh: :eek: :uhoh: :uhoh:

8th Jun 2004, 17:35

Yep - just like GormanInkarnati wrote - history is written by the winners. he he he