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View Full Version : estimating vision quity

6th Jun 2004, 12:52
and also, can anyone estimate my vision aquity based on my correction?

left eye -4d right eye -4.25d

left eye is 6/what right is 6/what?

thank you.

6th Jun 2004, 15:07

It is a widespread misconception that the refraction error (the strength of the lenses in your glasses) has anything to do with your visual acuity other than that without correction (lenses or specs) your VA is lower than when appropriately corrected.

It is the 6/something which is your VA. The correction is merely the strength of the glasses you need to achieve your best VA.


14th Jun 2004, 17:00
chiang, as so you know that in the UK... a VA of over 6/60 means that you will be registered as BLIND. when MAS says that the minimum VA of 6/60, what they meant was they wanted someone who are not registered blind. if you can wear refractive lenses...chances are you are not blind.

so there you go.