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6th Jun 2004, 07:57
hi, could anybody tell me their back-up plans for when it all goes wrong after training, because i have no idea what to do, thanks Chris

High Wing Drifter
6th Jun 2004, 08:04
I am doing everything part-time. Everybody says don't do it though. I will take holiday to complete the latter part of my IR and do the test in one chunk. That way I retain my current job which can fund my share and regular flying until such time as something fantastic to do with turboprops and half the salary comes along :D

6th Jun 2004, 08:51
Back up plans is another way of saying "Get a real job" ;)

If you have no other skill sets or training (college or Uni for example) then consider things like working for McDonalds/B&Q or contract labour/driving/office admin work. That sort of job will generally be fleixble enough where you can leave fairly quickly without much or any notice.

Don't forget, unless you are very lucky or rich, you will be finishing training and likely to be saddled with some form of loan that will need servicing.

The chances of getting flying work straight after training are not likely to be good, so it is best to plan for the worst and hope for the best.

7th Jun 2004, 19:47

It would be great to know what your current situation is. Are you training or just thinking about starting?

If it's the former, this thread could become a whopper (Got the urge?); if it's the latter, and you don't have a plan, don't do it!

7th Jun 2004, 20:27
okay, what do you guys think of the idea of going to uni immediately after school and starting your training afterwards (or even besides uni, if money allows)??

I'm not quite sure about this thoughts, because if you learn a subject at uni and don't get into business you learned, you will be out of date very soon - I can imagine...

greetz, Niki

7th Jun 2004, 22:21
not really a back up plan but.......

A friend of mine wanted to hour build this summer. So he quit his job, bought a lawn mower, and put an ad in the newsagent window. He got inundated!!!

So now he works 8-1.00pm, and usually get £20ph+. This leaves him all afternoon to go to the flying club.

If you were to fly all day to hour build it would get boring.

So basically his grass cutting pays for the flying.

I am thinking of doing it too.

This is only a seasonal thing obviously, but at least u r earning and got plenty time to fly as well. Probably work out more economical than going to the states to train.