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5th Jun 2004, 20:56
It's my dream to be an airline pilot!

I'm aware of the BA sponsorship scheme (although I find the website impossible to naviagate) I have no idea where to find out more information on it..
I'm also aware of CTC and McAlpine offering a sponsorship programme.. however you have to be 19 on date of application so that is kinda out of reach yet.

I've found several flying schools offering airline pilot training (the best I've found so far is $54k which works out around £29k)

I'm just wondering about methods of financing.. unfortunately I don't have this type of money laid about :hmm: Would something like this be covered under a student loan or is there something else I could maybe go for which I'm not aware of

any help would be greatly appreciated!

Rach x

5th Jun 2004, 21:26
Do a search on this forum for 'HSBC Professional Studies loans' or better still, have a look on HSBC's website. The loan is only available to postgraduate students though so you would have to have been through uni and got a degree first


7th Jun 2004, 20:05

Keep looking on these forums, and you'll find all the answers to your questions. It's all been said and done to death a thousand times over.

My best advice is listen to the moderators and hold onto your cash. You sound young enough to wait until you're eligible for CTC-McAlpine, FlyBe or the holy grail of BA re-starting sponsorship [tip: this last one probably ain't gonna happen!]

Best of luck!