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View Full Version : Some Idiot complaining from Northcliff JHB

Gauteng Pilot
1st Jun 2004, 10:43
According to the Northliff Melville times this guy (name in paper) says he moved to Northcliff 20 years ago because he is a musician ,and thus has extra sensitive hearing :hmm: , to get away from the noise of the city

But now Commercial pilots with their Boeings want to show off Northcliff to their passangers and flow overhead his house.

With his sensative hearing he cannot hear the tv beacause the planes are so loud.

He even claims they come over "one every minute" the whole day

He wants all planes from JIA banned from flying near his house

I live in the same area and can hardly hear a 737-800 (which constitutes most of the traffic ) when it comes over, and a 737-200 is less loud than a truck passing by.

"want to show off Northcliff" -- we can hardly see northcliff from that hight you idiot and why would anyone want to see your Northcliff ????, this has been the normal departure route for longer than you have lived there

and "one every minute" ???? Since when ?????? JIA culdnt handle that many flights

This is why I could never work with the public , I would have to do some serious damage to some people like this :mad: :mad: :confused:

Sorry, just needed to vent this

Stephen Stark
1st Jun 2004, 11:16
He he GP Pilot!

I agree with that, but thing is, my aunt lives there to which many times I have stayed with for copious amounts of time, and I have only heard the Albatt there!! Wierd, do you think he means the Boeing Cherokee or perhaps the Airbus 172? :}

Gauteng Pilot
1st Jun 2004, 11:51
No, hes talking airliners

he says something like " I watch them with binoculars taking off in a northerly direction from JIA, they then turn directly towards Northcliff, to show it to their passangers, and then turn towards the N1 at grasmere when they are finished looking at the city"

I think he might find a few more Boeing 172's and Airbus beechcrafts in the near future having a close look at him :cool:

1st Jun 2004, 15:12
On the plus side, this was the first genuine belly laugh I've ever got out of the Northcliff Melville Times. Imagine how miserable it must be to be a journo, limited to stories of where dogs can and cannot crap, which trees have been cut down and poor buggers with sensitive hearing living on top of mountains. I'm surprised we didn't hear him complaining when that helicopter crashed on his mountain last year :D .

Of course, if this chap has the sort of view where he can see JIA, I will happily take the property off his hands, at a sizeable discount of course. Can't have Boeings giving pax special views of the city disturbing my beauty sleep.

1st Jun 2004, 15:35
Sounds like my father-in-law’s place……if I post his address, promise you will go beat the crap out of him ?? :8

1st Jun 2004, 15:56
I'll swop houses with this clown. He can come live in the DRC where there is very little for his musical ears to listen to. And no planes for me to watch.:ugh:

Stephen Stark
1st Jun 2004, 16:13
Watching planes take off from JIA at his house?? That is better than living by the beach that they shoot Baywatch, this house must be worth a fortune!! Or does he do it on DSTV? Sattelite binoculars? :}

1st Jun 2004, 18:32
SS - Im'e going with you on the sattelite bino's - I also have this suspicion that the ridge faces the wrong way to see JIA, think I'll go have a look tomorrow using a Kudu. That'll :mad: him..!

Just thinking - don't most muso types also partake of the 'herb of knowledge' at times... he's probably floating ABOVE the ridge (in his small mind, anyway) when he 'sees' Boeings... :rolleyes:

Last thought - someone should take the so-called reporter aside and tell him that commercial airliners do NOT take passengers sight-seeing on departures. Take him to the tower to explain the HBV departure... :ouch:



1st Jun 2004, 18:43
Its psychos like this guy that set the whole wheel of Noise Abatement rolling. I wonder if he ever lived in Europe with all the other anti-airplane psychos.
Think I'll go hang out in Northcliff tomorrow and wait for Rhodie and that quiet Kudu:ok:

1st Jun 2004, 18:44
Sorry chaps,but this is one serious complaint.
The muso's name is actually "Elvis",but for other reasons another name was used.
But I must admit this one really takes the cherry.
First we have Elvis taking on the Huey,and now it is the Boeings.
I have to concede that you Vaalies beat us Capies in story telling.:E

2nd Jun 2004, 05:44
Huey simulated combat missions - northcliff ???

Now chaps, can you imaging how ol ball bag on his northcliff hill will graciously :mad: himself should the Huey come cruising past loaded with 14 curious passengers......doors in the open position.....

Would give both my nuts to see his face!

Stephen Stark
2nd Jun 2004, 08:58
Unreal that this is a problem at Northcliff. Shall we all write a reply in the Times, and suggest that he move to where the music scene is really happening like in the US? or perhaps if he really wants peace and quiet, some rural area by HBV :}

3rd Jun 2004, 04:20
As a musician he should spend more time playing his own organ than complaining to the papers.

3rd Jun 2004, 07:17
Stephen Stark comments about the rural areas at HBV..............................Dont worry Steve,my Harley mates and I will make sure this "organ playing muso" will never rest,esp on sunday mornings..............
Then again,the students and other "weekend warriors" in their Boeing 172,s will ensure that "organ playing muso" gets even less "silence"
Hey,another thought,the majority of inbound and outbound traffic for JIA routes through HBV...................this can only get better.
The conspiracy theory thickenes..................................
"I stoke my organ,I sing my song,all day long"

Stephen Stark
3rd Jun 2004, 07:19
Hehe Balloo...

Just what I had in mind for this twit... Shame that some people like him think that we like his music so he needs quiet from us!! :}

3rd Jun 2004, 14:45
Why not write to the paper complaining about loud music when this **** is practicing?:cool:

3rd Jun 2004, 22:26
please will ATNS design a new departure, the low-level, non-noise abatement ORGAN2C departure ;)

and ensure it is given to all the Illushin's:}

zulu see error
5th Jun 2004, 11:24
i believe the CAA are going to classify a new type of Restricted zone (FA-R) specially to accomodate whinging noise-complainers...it'll be found on our Jeppessens as an "FA-Rsehole"...