View Full Version : Abingdon - Is it officially classed as semi-active?

Neil Porter
29th May 2004, 08:23
Abingdon as some of you know is still used by the RAF, on weekends with Grob Vigilants, & during the weekdays has been with:
1. Bensons Heli force
2. Parachuting sorties (with Let410 transport)

Is there a permanent 'Zone' around it as on maps it shows a 2nm radius Zone i think (don't know the height level up to), but do not know if it NOTAM activated, or a permanent Zone in place in view of the flying activity.
Can anyone shed any light on this?

29th May 2004, 08:35
Neil, I know the situation you're in because I've helped at one of your shows...! Your best bet is to go and speak to the glider guys and ask them to go through one of their local air nav maps with you. From them they'll be able to answer your questions about airfield access. Hope this helps!

29th May 2004, 09:19
Abingdon, sorry, Dalton Barracks, is shown as having permanent parachuting activity. On the 1/2 million chart, as issued by the CAA, this is depicted by an unbroken circle with a parachute symbol. It doesn't have an air traffic zone or any type of protected airspace.

I go around it unless Brize confirm there is NO activity.

Neil Porter
29th May 2004, 17:02
OK, next time i pop into 612VGS i will have a look at the charts.

I know for my show each year, i put it in NOTAMS, with all localised airfields sent a Notification from the CAA, as i normally request for a 3nm radius & up to 7000ft vertical height (& now also on practice day) cos of the increasing Jet displays etc....

Its just i was not too sure the state of play of airspace at Abingdon normally...... ie: as next year onwards for the '6th Abingdon Air & Country Fayre', we will be getting in some aircraft to arrive on the friday (& departing Monday / Tuesday) & was wondering really whether to put something in NOTAMS about increased movements on those days too just to make flyers aware......

RivetJoint - check your PM's