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View Full Version : virgin blue pulling out of Mt Isa and now going back again?

20th May 2004, 06:34
Why would virgin blue go into Mt Isa for a while, and then pull out??
now I have heard they are going to start flying in again.

Have virgin done this before to any other cities in Australia?


Going Nowhere
20th May 2004, 11:36
I believe they pulled out because QLink started double daily flights with 146's and then 717's and Virgin just couldn't get the loads in their back of the clock flights.

Maybe there will be a better response now that QF have bought in just a daily 734 flight.

Capn Bloggs
20th May 2004, 14:38
The wheels on the bus go round and round... Why don't QF put the 2 x ex-gaschamber service back on ISA now that the poor excuse for a regional jet ooops DC9 is needed for bigger and better things??!!

Open Wemac
20th May 2004, 22:53
But isn't that true of the "curse" of Mount Isa?

Once you leave, you will always go back?


21st May 2004, 03:20
I flew into Mount Isa once, and I do not think I will ever be going back. it was just a dust bowl.
I have only heard bad things about Mount Isa.

I think I have the Byron Bay curse. I can not stop going back.

I have how ever heard about drunk aboriginals lying in the streets drunk as skunks is that true?

21st May 2004, 04:07
A dust bowl it might be but after some time up in some of the salubrious gulf ports I was quite happy to see the smoke of Mt Isa appear on the horizon on the way back.:ok:


The Bullwinkle
21st May 2004, 07:27
I couldn't agree more.

It always felt good getting back to your remote outpost, and walking down the main street with an "Eagle Boys" pizza box under your arm, proving that civilisation did still exist, even if it was just the Isa.

The Voice
21st May 2004, 10:05
I have how ever heard about drunk aboriginals lying in the streets drunk as skunks is that true

Kym .. sorry to shatter your perfect world illusion ..

I think you need to get out more .. and don't think the quote is confined to the Isa.

It happens in DN, BN, SY, AD, ML and PKT, BTI and other far flung places too!

Capt Claret
21st May 2004, 14:22
Lots of drunk white fellas lying in the streets in Melb, prolly Syd, Bne, Adl, Per, etc etc. :suspect:

Open Wemac
21st May 2004, 23:39
Lots of drunk white fellas in the streets of Isa when the Irish Club shuts at 3am! Probably us drivers!

22nd May 2004, 00:45
Didn't this happen previously in Mount Isa?

Fairly sure it was there, Qantas were operating one flight a day, apparently not at a very convenient time, then Virgin Blue started a daily flight and at cheaper prices.

After that Qantas went up to 4 flights a day (from memory) at cheaper prices, and forced Virgin Blue to pull out.

Then Qantas went back to the one flight a day, and put the prices back up again. :(

22nd May 2004, 09:13
so if virgin went in again, Qantas would do the same thing again???

well, then I can see why I have heard that Virgin Blue will be coming in a couple of days a week at first. the locals will lap it up.

look at how much it cost to get to Darwin from Brissy when Virgin were not operating.
the other day I saw specials for $48 one way on Virgin. That is what competition is all about.

The Voice-

oh, by the way I just saw some guy that looked like santa asleep in south bank on the grass. he had a bottle that was in a paper bag so I guess he was sleeping it off. yes it happens everywhere in Australia.

22nd May 2004, 09:46
Probably.......... ;)

Qantas call it competition. :rolleyes:

Anyone else calls it capacity dumping. :(

Then as soon as they get rid of the opposition, up go the fares again, and down goes the service again. :(

23rd May 2004, 23:53
Virgin brought low airfares to the Isa, but the locals including M.I.M. elected to fly QF on their low fairs. Virgin pull out of Isa, the airfares double in price, and everyone in the Isa whinges like hell about how much it costs to travel to Brissy. Maybe they will get more support this time around.
Am going to miss the sight of a u/s 146 sitting on the tarmac at Isa.