View Full Version : Trade Union representation

BA Boi
16th May 2004, 17:31

I know that this is a bit of a strange topic, but I was just wondering what the trade unions at other airlines are like? You know, how popular; effective and powerful they are?

At BA there are two cabin crew unions: BASSA and Cabin Crew 89. BASSA is by far the bigger of the two and is extremely powerful. Cabin Crew 89 is quite substantially smaller and not so effective.

Personally, I think trade unions are essential in our line of work - and the more millitant and hard-line the better.

What do you guys think?

:D :D

16th May 2004, 17:54
At our airline, we have T & G and CC89; couldn't say which one was more popular, although the majority of people on my training course chose to sign up with CC89.

Haven't joined a union yet, although open to being convinced of the benefits. I think it would help if either of the above could produce a catalogue of instances in which membership of one union or the other worked to the member's advantage.

So far, only the offer of free legal advice looks vaguely interesting.