View Full Version : journalism goes far far far below being defender of the truh

15th May 2004, 00:04
After todays farce at the Daily Mirror, I shall be Ultra careful what I say on this forum. Obviously the Truth is not what the papers want. Just as it will take years to win back the Hearts and Minds in Iraq, it should also take years before we even begin to trust the tabloid press where obviously truth is not going to let them get in the way of a good story.
I watched Andrew Neil of the Scotsman toninght. He is a journalist/editor of a high profile and with a great pedigree.
He was saying, and not in hindsight, that it was common knowledge amongs other editorial colleagues, that everybody beleived the photographs were fake.
So what do we tell Ahmad Average.?? It was all a hoax.??
he is more likely to respond by saying "Who is Piers Morgan, and "what is the Mirror apart from something on the wall."??
Off the wall more like. As a result, we are vilified in the Arab World, and more importantly this little p@@@ck of an Editor puts our forces in harms way and gives us a hugely bad reputation in the Middle East. I viewed the press with more credibility and integrity than this, and I am shocked. I always believed that the "My Husband was bonking 24 women every day" type of story, was a load of rubbish, and should be viewed as a laugh, and anything to do with Aviation was full of innacuracies, but that the serious stuff was sacrosanct.
It will be a long time before I EVER believe anything I read in the press again, particularly the gutter press....unless it's the Football Scores. But even then ........!

For our Ozmate friends, Piers Morgan, was the Editor of the Daily Mirror, and was sacked today after the Newspaper Board accepted that photograhps appearing on the front page of the newspaper showin British Troops maltreating prisoner. It has now been proved conclusively that the pictures were fake and the vehicle was of a type never sent to Iraq. Lives were put at risk...yes Ozmate lives as well as Poms. It is a sickening and cynical piece of journalism, and of course Joe Public in Iraq do NOT believe in the innocence of the army in this case.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

15th May 2004, 05:47
I guess it's a fairly forlorn hope, Taildragger, but could this debacle possibly spell the demise of the awful rag, as well as its appalling editorial staff?

Kind regards,


15th May 2004, 10:38
Looks like the ol Pos Guria ain't so bad after all, eh Taily?

15th May 2004, 11:37
Nightowl .... One lives in hope....

Ozex ..... At least the Daily Firelighter had the drum.!
I had to stop collecting cuttings from that "Newspaper" when I could no longer fit the pile into the house.! Mind you, they certainly socked it to Chuckles and I. I am still smarting from the photo they published showing the Dragger being towed along the highway with the tailwheel on the back of an Old Bill Ute.!!

Pinky the pilot
16th May 2004, 01:36
I remember that just before I was medevaced from the Madang Haus sik all those years ago someone showed me the write up in the 'Pos Guria' about my prang.
They managed to mis-spell my name and I can remember being quite pleased that they did!:ok:
Agree with other posters re tabloids and reporters in general.

You only live twice. Once when
you're born. Once when
you've looked death in the face.