View Full Version : SETP / SFTE Conference 7-10 June 2004, London

Genghis the Engineer
14th May 2004, 21:11
I'm sure most FT professionals anywhere will know this is going on. (If you don't, details are on both associations websites.)

But, out of interest, any other FT Forum regulars planning to attend? I shall be there, and it would be nice to put a face to one or two of regular pseudonyms I don't already know.

For that matter, any overseas flight testers coming who aren't familiar with the locality or just need a friendly local body, by all means drop me an Email.


idle stop
17th May 2004, 08:49
It'll be a strange affair this year, Monday to Wednesday. For those of us with working wives this makes the social side difficult: my wife won' t be able make the Banquet partly for that reason, and also since, once again, the dates fall plumb in the middle of the UK schools public examinations. (One son to get to his exam first thing Thursday morning.)
Last year the AC de France hosted us (SETP) in great comfort: helped partly by the political situation reducing the numbers from North America who usually attend. I fear that attendance will have been limited at Hamilton Place due to space considerations with the jointery of SETP/SFTE/RAeS.
Don't get me wrong: I think it an excellent idea to have the tps and FTEs all together, just feel it's possibly the wrong venue.
But ever the optimist, I am sure that, whatever, we'll have a darn good time, both professionally and socially! See you there, G.