View Full Version : Saddam - What if?

14th May 2004, 10:07
What if,

When Iraq returns to self Government and Saddam is returned to Iraq for 'judgement', he is found not guilty.

In the following free elections he then becomes leader of Iraq once more?

After all, wouldn't Iraq be a free democracy with the freedom of choice?

Couldn't happen...............or could it?

17th May 2004, 19:05
If it did, I'm sure that Tony would find some other Dubi... sorry legitimate reason for invading (again) and then we can all get a third suntan

17th May 2004, 19:56
"Self Government" for a long while yet is to be by appointment not by election.

Saddam is still in Iraq and it is more likely that he would be murdered than tried if he was handed to the ruling council.

I think we are more likely to see pink curly tailed dogs flying across the moon than Saddam in power again.

17th May 2004, 22:14

"Just tell me the launch date Commander".

pigs in space flash movie. (http://www.kaitaia.com/funny/flash/index.php?title=Pigs%20In%20Space&flash=pigs-in-space.swf&width=550&height=400)
Saddam is still in Iraq and it is more likely that he would be murdered than tried if he was handed to the ruling council.
Wouldn't that be a strong case for political asylum in the UK?

Mmmmm....I thought the new neighbour would look better with a beard.:hmm:

18th May 2004, 06:38
SillySid, do you lay awake at night trying to dream up another useless thread? Take it to JetBlast where it and you were made for each other.:mad:

18th May 2004, 07:49
And PLEASE come up with your own posts instead of continually quoting what other people have said.

I can't believe I've just used bandwidth replying to this drivel. :ugh:

18th May 2004, 08:52

If I didn't quote, my reply would have gone like this,

from Soddim;
I think we are more likely to see pink curly tailed dogs flying across the moon than Saddam in power again.

my reply;
Wouldn't that be a strong case for political asylum in the UK?

Now even to me that would seem a silly reply.

If you could stick to the subject matter, it would be appreciated, thanks.
I'm sure pop will send this to jetblast if he thinks it to be a good move and I bet you took up even more bandwidth checking out the link didn't you?:ok:

18th May 2004, 14:49
I think Siloe Sid livened up an over-serious forum with his thread and I have no problem with it being here - so there!