View Full Version : Fto's Recommendation

10th May 2004, 22:00
Hi all

Just about to finish ATPL writtens as long as all goes to plan,after which i plan to convert my FAA IR in the uk,then go off to Florida to do JAA CPL and possibly FI for hour building.My question is,'can anyone recommend,firstly a good school here for the IR conversion,and a reputable JAA school in Florida or alternatively a JAA flight school in South Africa.
The 2 schools i've looked into are EFT and Naples air centre,which both look pretty good from there websites??
Would appreciate any advise from you all,especially anyone with first hand experience of these schools

Thanks :8 :E :confused:

11th May 2004, 08:37

It may be worth doing a search on this one mate, as both schools you have mentioned have been discussed numerous times, with lots of input from lots of people.

I have first hand experience of NAC, and personally can recommend them, I have been twice and had a great time. With respect to the CPL in the USA, you may want to contact Flying For Fun or look up his CPL diary which was posted here and is very informative. And from memory I think he did the course with EFT.

Good luck with the remainder of your ATPL writtens.