View Full Version : cholesterol levels?

9th May 2004, 21:16
I have a class 1 med. but a slightly raised cholesterol level. How high is too high for the medical and how do the Caa feel about Statins, a drug which can effectivley reduce cholesterol?

PPRuNe Pop
12th May 2004, 22:28
Mine was last year 3.5. This year it is 4.5 and both levels are OK. I believe the worry level in around the 7.0 mark but a doc will state the case I am sure.

QNH 1013
16th May 2004, 09:29
Don't worry. Like a lot of these things, they are fine for predictions within a large population group, but don't have the same significance when looking at an individual.

For information, mine was 7.6 on initial class one issue, and they handed me a slip of paper suggesting I got it checked with my GP. It certainly didn't seem to worry them. I haven't seen my GP since he died a few years ago, so I didn't bother; my diet is good in any case thanks to Mrs QNH who used to be involved in the health trade.

Last renewal, I asked them to measure it again, and it had dropped to 6.5. Nothing had changed in my lifestyle or diet.

I had no other "risk" factors; i.e. don't smoke, BP normal, both parents died in their 80's.