View Full Version : Foreign (non US) airline hearing req.

7th May 2004, 22:55
I currently hold a FAA 1st class med. I am deaf in my left ear, my right ear is perfect; I live a normal life with no hearing devices. The min. req. for the FAA 1st class med. was to hear a whisper from a distance of 6 feet with back turned to examiner, and I passed that, so I passed the overall requirement. Also, my vision is 20/180 ( 20/200 or worse is legally blind) but with contact lenses/glasses, it's a perfect 20/20.

I'm assuming that my hearing automatically disqualifies me from carriers in England (UK CAA very strict).

Anyone know if there's anychance I'd stand with a Middle Eastern carrier, like Emirates?

Lastly, are there any foreign airlines that accept a FAA 1st class med, and require no initial medical exam for employment?