View Full Version : Hearing requirements for foreign (non-US) carriers

7th May 2004, 20:21
I currently hold a FAA 1st class med. I am deaf in my left ear, my right ear is perfect; I live a normal life with no hearing devices. The min. req. for the FAA 1st class med. was to hear a whisper from a distance of 6 feet with back turned to examiner, and I passed that, so I passed the overall requirement. Also, my vision is 20/180 ( 20/200 or worse is legally blind) but with contact lenses/glasses, it's a perfect 20/20.

I'm assuming that my hearing automatically disqualifies me from carriers in England (UK CAA very strict).

Anyone know if there's anychance I'd stand with a Middle Eastern carrier, like Emirates?

Lastly, are there any foreign airlines that accept a FAA 1st class med, and require no initial medical exam for employment?

7th May 2004, 21:54
I can't really say whether or not you can't fly for these airlines, but I can say it will be difficult (not impossible) for you to get in because of your health condition. Remember, there will be many pilots like you applying to airlines who have the same qualifications as you do as well as perfect hearing in both ears and 20/20 vision. The best you can do is try your luck and apply.