View Full Version : India

6th May 2004, 12:10
Hi All
Off to India soon, any points to watch for vis a vis Hdlg, ATC, routes anything really. (Taking industrial quantity Immodium!!)
Visiting Delhi, Kolkuta, Hyderabad and Bangalore.

10th May 2004, 14:15
hi Off to the same places on 15 what dates are you there and have you recived any info in request?


Mach Tuck
10th May 2004, 16:45
Strongly suggest you use the services of an agent such as Jepessen, Universal or Air Routing to provide flight planning, obtain clearances and appoint handling agents (Air Routing is said to have particular expertise in the east/far east). Indian burocracy is legendary (after all they were taught by the Brits) and without a competent handling agent turning an aircraft around can take many frustrating hours. All charges will be taken care of by the service provider (though the odd tip doesn't go unappreciated) and you pay just one (usually huge) invoice after completion of the trip.

Capt Fathom
15th May 2004, 06:09
Just in tme for the start of the Monsoon season! :{

15th May 2004, 08:58
"Indian burocracy is legendary" You are right there. On 2 counts actually and yes the Brits taught them and they just fine tuned it. Now it is insane.

You will certainly need an agent in place at all stops.

TAY 611
17th May 2004, 08:45
Can't emphasise the need for a handling agent to get around all the Bureaucracy or you will be there for a week sorting it all out. A handfull of US dollars, Plenty of Gen-Dec's, don't drink the water wont go astyray and Kingfisher beer is OK..

falcon guy
19th May 2004, 21:22
Just returned to the states from a trip to India last week...Mumbai and Bangalore. As noted the paperwork could be an issue without the aid of a good handler, we used Air Routing and there were no problems. Communications can be a bit spotty in several areas but there never seemed to be any concern when we finally found someone to talk to...even had to resort to HF for awhile. I noticed one of your stops is Bangalore, this is a significantly more enjoyable city than Mumbai..much cleaner and without the same feeling of desperation. We stayed at the ITC Sheraton, an excellent older hotel with several resturants and a golf course across the road. One thing to consider is the what if of a maintenance event. We experienced a minor occurance and it is certainly an issue...there is very little maintenance or parts available in India depending on the equipment you are operating. Overall a very interesting experience...would like to return to Bangalore but not so sure about Mumbai. Also...the others are absolutely correct...do not drink the water, have lots of bottled water available. We went through 144 bottles on our trip !!