View Full Version : BOB In SA?

26th Apr 2004, 20:26
Anyone driving on the highway today from the airport to the Sandton area would have seen how the taxpayer's money gets put to good use. (but that is a whole different story)Every few hundred meters there was stationed metro police and SAPS for the protection of "visitors" coming for the parade tomorrow.

Don’t know how true it is, but even BOB got an invite. Apparently five (five star) hotels turned down his business. Wonder where he is staying?
So watch your TV's tomorrow. I think something interesting might just happen.

Wonder if BOB came in on his "NEW" 727?:ok:

27th Apr 2004, 01:43
Na, He's still hijacking Air Zim Fluffy's.

The cops were everywhere, all down the R21, on every bridge top and randomly down the highway. The best part of tomorrow will be the Union Building Airshow, sponsored as always by YOU & ME financial brokers.

27th Apr 2004, 05:49
I thought YOU and ME Financial Brokers had run out of fuel.....it will be nice to see them fly again. As we all know flying for these guys is also a bit of a commodity and you can't call it a job as that would mean you should do more of it, as in keep busy fulltime!

27th Apr 2004, 11:02
you can be sure uncle bob's taking full advantage of his little trip,as he seems to always be the first to arrive! he must love being in the company of his like-minded brothers.

as for the fly-by,has anybody calculated the cost of fuel for those acft,considering they were out practising all that during the week? i bet with that money they could have built a good few houses,provided a lot of their people with food and water and perhaps even bought some AIDS drugs...(oops,sorry,i forgot,AIDS doesnt exist!)

Douglas Racer
28th Apr 2004, 11:48
B.B.B.B.B.BBBOB Hopeless stayed at a B&B in Waterkloof (I think) according to the morning show on R.Highveld this am. Apparently a listener confirmed this by asking security guards if he could confirm his "meeting" with Bobbejann, and was told to come back later with id etc if he wanted to meet him?

Hey Bob, did you enjoy the concert/airshow at least, need to know if our well earned taxes were worth the waste?

Solid Rust Twotter
29th Apr 2004, 13:25
Judging by the tumultuous applause and the black power salutes that greeted Bob I don't think we're too far behind Zim. Wasn't it Mandela who said at his own inauguration "....ensure that never again will one race oppress another in SA."? Wonder how he feels about things now......:(

Another thing; if all Bob's supporters in SA think he's doing such a good job and that Zim is such a paradise, why are there still so many of them here? One would think they'd be flocking to the Free People's Socialist Worker's Paradise of Zim in droves......