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View Full Version : JQ Jetstar Uniform

24th Apr 2004, 02:31

First off I would just like to say VILE VILE VILE! Ha ha... (Wouldn't be a post from me if those words weren't placed somewhere near the top!)

OK. We all knew the boys were going to lose the tie. Most say it is a good thing. Am I the only one who with a need to look glamourous?! (And not like I should be behind a check out at K-Mart!)

The boys' uniform consists of the current black pants with a short or long sleeve polo-type shirt. It is COMPLETELY BLACK with an orange band around the neck and sleeves. Too much black! The material is flimsy and reminds me of a Bonds T shirt. Won't take long to need replacing. Oh, don't let me forget the zip up the front.... Very "6 year old puts on his 'special' shirt for a friend's birthday party..." (We all remember 1985 when it was cool to have zip up the front of your shirt!)

Now now. It isn't all bad for boys. The belt is very "Star Trek" and I think it looks cool. The Jacket is very corporate. Single breasted and looks very sharp. The four buttons come up high to where the small orange lapels begin. Looks quite nice and the orange is great but we could probably use a tad more to break up the BLACKNESS!

I digress....
Now how come JQ can afford four buttons on the jacket yet the current Morissey uniform only has two? :D

Now - the girls' uniform is generally much better. Didn't get such a close look at it as the BRIGHT ORANGE jacket blinded me temporaily! That is correct. BRIGHT ORANGE! Once we stow the jacket (or give it to our husband to use on the construction site) the uniform is actually quite nice. Very simple and reminds me of a the casual type bank teller uniforms you see nowadays. Very credit union. It is, of course (!), black. Same pants and skirt as the current uniform with black blouse. The dress is black and looks a similar fit to the current uniform. I am guessing most girls will go for the dress. Both the dress and blouse have a thin orange band around the neck and sleeves. Looks OK.

I didn't get a look at the belt. A few girls say it is made from a disgusting material and already looks frayed.

Overall the uniform is OK. Just OK. I think the guys could look a bit more corporate and less like a K-Mart employee. The jacket is really what saves it for the guys. The girls uniform is maybe a tad too casual and is again too black. Still passable as the dress is quite nice. Passable - except for the HIDEOUS VILE orange jacket! My God - what were they thinking? The girls will look like a council worker with the jacket on and a bank teller when it isn't!

Now for those of you who have completed the VQ to JQ conversion tranining (BRAINWASH)...
I am not in 'The Pit' about the new uniform. I am using 'STICKMAN' to act the opposite positive behaviour to the negative emotion that I am feeling. :\

For those of you who have yet to enjoy the two days of mental torture and psycho babble that is the 'JQ Conversion Training'... You can use the advice I have repeated above to help yourself when you are down. - OR - You can use it to fertalise the lawn! :cool:

24th Apr 2004, 02:44

Who was the designer of these uniforms??? When will pics of them be revealed to the public eye?

24th Apr 2004, 02:52
Pet. For there to be a 'designer' they would have to have been 'designed'. They weren't. They were 'supplied' seems more appropriate. :yuk:

Dowd Corporate supplied them. Dowd did the St George Bank uniform and they did the distribution for the current QF one. Maybe their website has photos. I am sure JQ will do a media release soon enough. I do know the photo shot with our most beautiful crew was done this week. Yet I was not invitied... ;)

Mr Seatback 2
24th Apr 2004, 12:33
I love how you call it a Brainwash! I think the motivational piece at the end (the last 4 hours) was the best part of it! Just the sort of thing we needed. And yes Ditz...I do think you're in the pit. Your stickman is down there too, helping you furnish it and to bring others with you! LOL! :O

Have to say I don't think much of the uniform either. But our options are...what? Irrespective of whether or not we like it, it's here to stay. Better get used to it...such a pity we have to hand back our old one!

Of course Ditz...me in all black. Real good look! :p

The official launch is in early May sometime I believe.

24th Apr 2004, 13:57
Hahahaha Ditz you have me in hysterics oh my god there fully must have been no designer. I guess you'll be spending more time handling money like a bank when everything is JQ! no more boxes which means no more Crunchy cheese twists! NOoooooooooooooooo they're so yummy!

Skysista it looks like our ideas of a ladies orange soviet style hat with a silver star badge on the front with matching orange and star carry on luggage is not going to happen....DaMNit! that would have kept a bit of glam.

Ditzy i saw the engineers modelling the Jetstar high vis vest...they're damn sexy LOL..... they look like they're from the Village people HAHAHAHAHAHHA

25th Apr 2004, 11:00

Do you know what the customer service staff will be wearing?

The same as the flight crew im guessing?

Haha, whats wrong with the High Vis Vests? lol



25th Apr 2004, 11:46
Hello Captain Josh

There is nothing wrong with them at all! I want one!! can you get me one please please my high vis vest is the pits it looks like it had vomit on it no matter how much i try and clean it!

25th Apr 2004, 11:52

haha, yeah sure ill try... express post it? o hide it in the cargo hold and send it up? lol

25th Apr 2004, 15:32
Captain Josh If you are in BNE you can just give it to me. I'm always airside wondering around gates 16-21. I dont have a room I just wonder around the tarmac or hiding where they keep the spare tyres if it rains heavy lol. I'm honestly going to really really miss coming on the 717s the crew are soooooo nice :-)

26th Apr 2004, 02:44
haha i you are in BNE but im in MBE

does anyone know what CSA staff will be wearing?

26th Apr 2004, 04:15

- I didnt realise Jetstar was flying internationally

- geez, see what happens when you sleep in and dont read the paper!


26th Apr 2004, 06:00

what are you on bout?

26th Apr 2004, 08:07

You said you were in MBE, which is the airport code for Monbetsu in Japan.

I think you meant MEL, which is the airport code for Melbourne. ;)

(Have a look at this site - it will help you with your training http://www.airportcitycodes.com)


26th Apr 2004, 11:46
Jetstar international...is still a concept. I'm sure it will be happening. But then what about Australian Airlines?

Another rumour that seems to be going around is that Short haul crew will use the airbus to go international on short hops.

26th Apr 2004, 15:06
Not a rumour - its a FACT. Agreed upon last month. I believe the flying will be shared with LH crew. I don't know how.

27th Apr 2004, 00:11
Skysista it looks like our ideas of a ladies orange soviet style hat with a silver star badge on the front with matching orange and star carry on luggage is not going to happen....DaMNit! that would have kept a bit of glam.

Oh no, I'm sure the KMart uniform should do it... :rolleyes:

Not sure so much black is such a good idea, considering the mainline uniform has so much already...

Dammit dammit dammit. I really needed an orange fluffy Soviet hat too :}

Well, there's always a small hope for cool luggage...


27th Apr 2004, 01:51
Normail I would have said anything has to be better than the Qantas "Gay Bag" or "Esky". But now I am not so sure. With such hideous uniforms I don't even want to imagine what they are capable of coming up with.

Something with a drawstring, perhaps?! :yuk:

Or perhaps a Coles bag. That's what most of our customers will be using! :E Just kidding...

27th Apr 2004, 03:05
oh i do appologise for that Virgin hot shot!

I should have used the Aviation terminology!! What was i thinking?

Oh dear, shows how immature you Virgin pplz can be :)


27th Apr 2004, 03:40

You clearly underestimate the proposed clientele....

Of course their not going to use the Coles plastic bag....

It'll be the westie suitcase for sure! ;)

27th Apr 2004, 04:56
Ah ditzboy, you underestimate the value of the QF mainline 'esky' bag ..... six full-size bottles of French champagne fit neatly into it, sling it over your shoulder, and you are off to the next upline crew party .... and if you dont want to 'clink-clink' your way through customs, attach it to the wheelie bag and let the wheelie do all the work :ok:

a very handy little bag indeed, it should be every modern-hostess' accessory of choice :}


does anyone know where we can get a picture of this 'black, black, orange, and black' creation? I am dying for a good laugh ....

the Jetstar website would have to be the most boring website in aviation history --- it doesnt have anything on it !!

27th Apr 2004, 07:41
I fully think that the esky bag would compliment jetstar lol!

hey ditzy do you know if the SH crew will have extra penalties for going LH?

I thought that LH crew would have a higher base salary then SH crew and so I would think it would be logical that the SH crew going international are going to end up making less $$$ It seems only logical that QF would do that too lol.

27th Apr 2004, 09:13
QTee -
I really like the JQ website. It is easy to navigate through and very simple. Has a link to the QF site for all the other jazzy stuff.

Just read our monthly newsletter and it says the uniform will be launched on 10 May. Maybe I should give everyone a bogus date so you all miss it! No. I guess we cannot hide the uniform - being forced to wear it and all.

I have been advised that I am the only person that likes the guys' jacket... Everyone laughed at me when I told them. So allow me to retract my statement. Let's just say that the BRIGHT ORANGE girls' jacket blinded me! :D

As cheap and nasty some parts of the JQ operation are (no free seating, reduced legroom, no Meet and Assist...) there is some very poshy bits. Like our little Pods to record sales and swipe credit cards and print receipts. Virgin is all manual on papar so I guess we should be glad for that. Will make our COMMISSION easier to track.

Also the ground crew will use a remote control tug that fits to the left main wheel. It is very snazzy and is making news world over they say.

The proposed initial onboard snack range is actually quite decent. They say it will grow further as they identify trends in what customers purchase. I have tasted the proposed food and can say it is very nice. They said it was in the same condition it woudl be by the time we eat it on board... I didn't beleive them 0 it was just so fresh. Lots of choice anyway. Except the bar drinks on offer are nothing in comparison to what we offered at Impulse. Better than the domestic ones we get now I guess.

Our crew meals will improve over the current ones. While not difficult - it is another plus!

Also the baggage on the A320 will be loaded in containers which will help speed baggage loading / delivery. The only domestic narrowbody to do so. I believe Ansett's A320 were bulk loaded. Also load control will be done by the Tech Crew on PDAs palm pilots. Apparently that is a good thing. Very fancy anyway.

Nothing makes up for our uniform. VILE VILE VILE! So guys - May 10 2004 for the uniform. I can hardly wait :hmm:

qfmike -
Dunno exactly, Darls. Anything I say would be a guess.

27th Apr 2004, 10:00
Sorry Josh, you have me all wrong.

You did use the correct aviation industry terminology, its just that you made a typo and ended up in Japan and not Melbourne.

If you have a problem with me, please use private message and dont generalise about the hard working team at Virgin Blue - or at any other airline. Virgin Blue as a company does not see Jetstar as an enemy and nor do I - they are competition and competition is what keeps the skys above fair.

Try never to bag anyone at any airline - because in this industry people change jobs and companies - you never know who is going to pop up where.

28th Apr 2004, 12:01
Well if the uniforms are that bad this is a big pay back. Not long ago some QF Link crew were laughing about the Australian Airlines uniforms, saying how cheap we looked, well guess what, it's happened to you guys too. So take it back and say good bye to Morrisey and hello K Mart. I'm not being rude but we copped a lot of flack from all Qantas staff, including Link about our uniforms. I bet you never thought you would see the day that you would lose yours. We are proud of our "unique" uniforms as I'm sure you will learn to be with your's. Welcome to life on the other side!!!

Oh and by the way....Go Jet Star.....this is going to be the best airline in Australia. I really wish all of you the best and kick some Virgin arse!!!!!!

29th Apr 2004, 00:40
Honey I don't recall anyone bagging anyone out. In fact most threads re the AO uniform where started by the good people at AO... And is it wrong for others to have an opinion? No one launched any personal attacks. I don't see what the problem was.

I never liked the Morissey garb or any uniform Impulse or Qantas has dished out to me!

Why is it low cost airlines think their crew have to look stupid?! Very few LCCs have a nice uniform. I think they go too far with the whole 'casual' thing. :yuk:

29th Apr 2004, 03:31
Hi All,

I've been following this thread and just have to ask is the uniform really that important to you all. You should be exstatic that you are flying and part of something new and exciting... Flying is about service and safety, not how elegant the uniform can look. I understand that at the end of the day grooming is a big part of the job, however I'm sure you will all manage to make any uniform look good regardless of how simple it may be... And by the way, some of the K-Mart Customer Service Officers look great in their gear... Let it go and enjoy the challenge of starting up a new airline....

Just my word of advice, but hey what would I know, I'm not a FA......



29th Apr 2004, 10:06
Hmm, you have to remember though that the uniform forms part of the overall organisational image.

If an employee feels comfortable in their uniform and has the perception that they look professional in it, it has a substantial effect on mental attitude.

Hence a number of the large corporates have reverted back to a suit & tie dress code as opposed to the everyday is casual clothes day attitude that was present a few years ago.

God, that organisational psychology course I did really came in handy for something afterall! Now I just have to find a use for algebra and I can die a contented man!

29th Apr 2004, 10:48
That's a good point ozskipper.

I feel like a ragged shipwrecked sailor in my uniform....tattered, faded,ripped...holes in it.

None of them could be as trashy as mine! I look so trashy that the groundstaff complain if customers can see me! LOL

Maybe one day Ill be given a new uniform, but even then...it's a bit trashy.

I really think we would feel so much more confident with a neat uniform.

29th Apr 2004, 22:48

Interesting point and well use of organisational psychology.. I guess the uniform does contribute to the overall image of the company.

Still, I think it could be worse!



30th Apr 2004, 03:03
why is everyone getting so wrapped up bout all of this

How about we wait until they actually give the press release, cause im not totally convinced that this id the correct information being supplied

i read in the Jetstar booklet i recieved yesterday,

"Cabin services display of the cravat and white shirt with gold buttons identifies an employee as a flight attendant"

I read that it was all black? There was only whichmay be true, the "vile" uniform expressed... unless te whole thing is a rumour

QF skywalker
30th Apr 2004, 05:39
captain josh are you sure you are not reading the old "Qantas Runway grooming guide " ???

The old " George Gross and Harry Who" uniform had our mainline QF crew wearing white shirts with gold buttons and a red cravat. Are you sure you are not getting confused ?

I have very close friends at Jetstar and they seem to be certain the uniform is black.

P.S - Impulse crew could you please send your old wheelie bags over to us ? The "new" and improved domestic size one is hopeless and I keep tripping over it - I'll accept a hand me down !

Mr Seatback 2
30th Apr 2004, 05:55
QF Skywalker...

Do you want one that's broken? Cause that's all you'll get! Everyone's is breaking cause they were badly made. Just for a change! LOL!

And Captain Josh...

Ditz is correct. If there's a cravat anywhere to be found, it would be on Ditz - and let me tell you, no one's given Ditz a cravat to wear in a LONG time!

NO gold buttons either. I've seen the uniforms being picked up by the crew.

Like Henry Ford said..."Any colour, so long as it's black".

cloud nine
30th Apr 2004, 07:00
Hmmm, yes I have also tripped, kicked, and watched with fear as my QF wheely bag does things that even a coles trolley with a wonky wheel cant do! :}

I'm 5'8, which means the handle is far to short to use comfortably. Wondering if this is an OH & S issue? Luv the esky though.

Looking forward to seeing the Jetstar uniforms....just hope the wheely bags are better for you all.

30th Apr 2004, 10:45

I was just making a comment. As i said i didnt doubt anyone, was just stating what was written in the booklet Jetstar sent out to me yesterday.

No offence to you!

1st May 2004, 10:37
Captain -
Our Cabin Crew Operations Manual also talks about our cravats and gold buttons in the Duty Travel / Paxing bit... I am thinking they have cut and pasted from old manuals!

Also Darls, the information re the desisn is sadly correct :{ The uniform is displayed in all crew lounges. No secret to the crew.


Social Flyer -
Agree with you but one must feel proud in his uniform and also look like they have responsiblity and authority. I am not dissing K Mart people or their uniforms. Would you take as much notice of a Police person if they were wearing a polo top and a baseball cap? I think you get my message.

Also the orange does look ridiculous. End of story. And the Bonds shirt material and the zip.... :yuk:

QFskywalker -
I have an International wheelie and a larger Domestic one (the old ones). How did I get both? Chapped lips, Sweetie :ooh: What are they worth to you? :E

QFMike737 -
Darls update me re QR. Why are you not being glamourous on the Tilt Train? I bit the 1504 to Gladstone was JUST like the Orient Express.

3rd May 2004, 09:11
just my two cents but like everyone else i HATE the new uniform sorry ditzy i have to steal your favourite word but its VILE!

Its so tight fitting! the girls with normal boobs are going to look like they have had implants!

I just broke my case yesterday so will be going back for case number FOUR .. i dont care if its only for half a months use, i wont ruin my own luggage to save them $3!

4th May 2004, 05:12
Its so tight fitting! the girls with normal boobs are going to look like they have had implants!
Perhaps that was the whole idea? :}

Let me guess. The management team approving your uniform were all yobbo blokes, right? :suspect: ;)

4th May 2004, 08:38
i tried my uniform on today

didnt think it was as bad what ppl made it out to be

i was expecting something daggy, looks smart, unusual

4th May 2004, 10:28
i was expecting something daggy, looks smart, unusual

Noice, noice, its unusual, different, noice, noice....


4th May 2004, 23:19
Josh -
I must admit having tried it on and now owning one I do not want to rip it up and use it as rags. I still think it's vile. But I am being paid to wear it so what is one to do?! :yuk:

Sweetie were you at the Dowd / Weiss place at around 3pm when 3 very loud FAs came in? There was a CSA guy there trying on his uniform. Was that you we spoke to?

Oh and did you find the red cravat and gold buttons in your uniform pack? :E I love the way you accused me of lying about the uniform. :)

I must agree that the uniform is as you say - unusual. (read VILE :hmm: )

Tip to current Impulse / QFLink / Airconnex FAs:
We have all been issued with the same pants and skirts that we currently own. And this was supposed to be a LOW COST operation :rolleyes: . Rather than having to mince around town IN MY OWN TIME finding Madam Wong's Tailoring for Men. And then having to fork out my own $$ and wait an eternity for the expense claim to come back. (Heaven forbid you forget to cross a 't' or dot and 'i' or use blue pen - then it will be a year before you get paid!) Just hand back your new pants when disposing of the current uniform. Save yourself the bother the company are so keen for us to go through! Just keep the 8 month old pants / skirt that were tailored and taken in / out for us for free. (Unless you are like Mr Seatback who has lost weight - b**tch!)

Also the new allocation doesn't come in certain sizes. So I have would have a ill-fitting pants if I kept the new allocation (as they aren't paying for pants to be taken in!). Just thought it would be good to share my idea. This whole new 'process' of getting a uniform (a vile / unusual one at that) is just too much bother for this JetPrincess :cool:

Oh and for the first time since the creation of our lovely little airline we will be working for the people who's name / logo is on our badge! Bloody amazing - never thought I would see the day! :ok:

5th May 2004, 03:25
Ditzy, vile unifrom aside, may I just add you crack me up

You lost me somewhere around "JetPrincess" due to falling off chair :p

Think I have to reserve final judgement until I actually get to SEE this Jaffa-inspired ensemble...

Anyone got pictures yet?


5th May 2004, 09:05
haha no wasnt me!!

i went on tuesday at 1pm!! so ya wudda just missed me! lol

and noooooooo i didnt accuse you of lying!! i was just making a comment on why everyone is getting so wrapped upbout the uniform, cause i read something bout the cravat in the book, so i tought there may be a range of uniforms!!!!!

sorry if i offended you "sweetie" lol!!

oi, private message me and gimme your email address... your a funny pri_k



6th May 2004, 01:25
SkySista -
The inspiration for the JQ uniform is the Ansett 'Bumble Bee' garb from the '70s.

Yes it's a return to what once was. The JetHostesses of yesteryear. "How can both airlines be the same? We've got Susan Jones..." You better believe it!

It's new, it's now, it's never been done before - it's the BUMBLE BEE! The uniform is so out of date - it's new again!

The large black component was obviously inspired by our friend Morrissey. "Black - it's the new Black."

"Catch a ride on a smile - fly Jetstar. The System of the Golden Jets."

You see all our managers began flying in the 1970s (Ansett) when flying was glamorous. They have tried to bring back the glitz and glamour to it all with the '70s uniforms. All they have succeeded in doing is getting a Greyhound bus and attaching wings!

I can just see myself after pax have boarded the first flight. "Quick - call Australia's Most Wanted - tell them we have EVERYONE!" :E

6th May 2004, 15:42

The large black component was obviously inspired by our friend Morrissey. "Black - it's the new Black."

Haven't you heard? Morrissey has been at Oz Fashion Week parading the new black - WHITE!:rolleyes: Where's the logic?!

See your point about "BumbleBee" outfit. Sigh. I look crap in orange. ;)


7th May 2004, 23:40
Dr Phil - I completely agree! I have only just regisetered with pprune and Ditzy has had me in stitches more than once already... LOVED the 717 tribute page, had to add my 2 cents worth... As far as JQ uniforms go folks can someone organise a photo for us?

8th May 2004, 00:49
Many thanks people for your kind words. If you were not laughing with me you would be laughing at me - sometimes both. I am obviously taking too much of something - or maybe not enough! :\

sinala1 -
I am glad you find me a source of amusement. I just LOVE you for saying "all over the shop..."! Legend! I thought I was the only person on the planet that uses that saying!

Guys we could run around town trying to locate a Digital Camera device. Being FAs it would take us a year to figure out how to work it - and even then it would take longer because we would bitch about having to do it then finish reading the latest edition of Who! So let's just wait until Monday. Two more days. I am sure Jetstar / Dowd / Weiss ( / Red Cross Shop?) will be only too keen to plaster their handywork all over the Net!

Dare I say their photos may make the uniform look a little better than it actually is. My using a DigiCam will make them look more 'ordinary' than what they really are - if that's possible! And of course there would always be the chance of me accidently uploading nudie shots by mistake! :ooh:

Two more sleeps, Kids. I can hardly wait for ya'll to see... :hmm:

11th May 2004, 01:00
Cherubs, I managed to see a little flicker of the Jet Star uniform on the Channel 9 news at around 6'ish last night. What I did see was quite impressive - fairly smart and stylish. So, I have jumped onto the net to try and download a few piccies. I have checked the Jet Star site, QF and ninemsn and cant seem to find a picutre anywhere. Would you guys know if there are any pictures out there as yet?

Thankyou in advance, beautiful people.



11th May 2004, 02:37
Howdy all,
Geez been ages since i last showed my head round this port...
here is a link to the SMH news article about our sexy little jet(s).. i meant our crew.. hehe...
so far they are the only pics I've seen on the web...
Man, we can even make a K-Mart uniform look glam!!:p
Safe Flyin

11th May 2004, 06:05
Hey all,

After seeing it in the news and via the links above, JQ's uniform is not bad at all, guys! At least boys get to wear a suit type jacket, all we have at AO is an ugly zip-up/factory-worker type jacket. Don't know when, but I will be the happiest AO FA when the uniform is announced to be changed.

JQ girls look great in the orange, they really nicely stand out. You guys rock, go and impress the public on 25/05. All the best.

Mr Seatback 2
11th May 2004, 06:14
The Sydney Morning Herald gave the guy's jacket an absolute CANING for it's design.

Apparently we all belong in Star Trek - the William Shatner generation of Star Trek.

Shocker of a jacket. I mean, those lapels look like they're a dangerous good, or explosive, or something!

11th May 2004, 06:49
Now all you need are the star trek ears and it will be complete.

Seriously though- I like the uniform. Much better than I was picturing in my head. And the guys jackets will be a talking point. Wonder how they will look inside out...............

11th May 2004, 08:25
Qwannas you can download a video of the new 717 livery john travolta and the uniform if you go to www.seven.com.au you can download an actual video.

11th May 2004, 09:17
I vaugely recall one of the guys on this forum walking thru a terminal with jacket inside out... cannot for life of me remember who... was it Ditzy??? Anyway, would be interesting to see repeated with this one!!! :E


11th May 2004, 10:22
SkySista -
Yes that was I.... And Yes! I will as soon as I get the chance... Will advise you of the date of my termination party! :cool:

I am the only person who will be wearing the jacket. NO ONE I have talked to likes it... I just cannot be seen in a black black and black outfit with a polo top! If I was playing golf then I would happily wear one. I just don't think it looks very professional. Hence I will never take the jacket off. It is quite embarassing though. By the sound of it I will be the only male flight attendant wearing the jacket. Oh well. I am used to people laughing at me!

I must say that the guys and girls in the photo shoot look great. How will it look on us at 0515 doing our sixth 4 sector day in a row? Go Jetstar!

Does anyone know of a quick and easy way to rid one's self of love handles? These polo shirts are quite fitted and not too flattering in that department. I am not interested in exercise or eating properly (when I do remember to eat it is usually healthy anyway). I heard there's this tape you can buy. You can tape your love handles back and create that 'coat hanger' V! My partner says love handles are great to hold on too - BUT WE WON"T GO THERE! :\

Oh and I still think the uniform is vile :yuk: :yuk: :yuk:

Good night kids! :D

11th May 2004, 10:32
Ditzyboy, $3500 will get rid of your love handles with great results. Speaking from experience ! And the fat can NEVER go back there.

11th May 2004, 11:18
Thanks guys


11th May 2004, 11:32
Good God that orange really is offensive.

The guys just need a thin leather tie and the look will be complete. It's life Jim, but not as we know it.

And what's with the girls wearing those stilettos? Could poke someone's eye out with those things! :yuk:


11th May 2004, 11:37
Try wearing the easyJet uniform!

11th May 2004, 18:57

Well, Johnnie Travolta was there .... funny enough, I thought the uniform looked like something out of Grease ! Those Lapells .... I thought the new QF uniform was gross .... methinks I will stay with the nice red-lined jacket thanks :)

Oh and Ditz love ....

As for the love handles .... remember, carbs are your enemy !!!! I got from a size 14 to a size 8 just by cutting out carbs (oh and the only exercise I get is handing out the arrival customs docs to the pax!!)

Just go on a 'meat only' diet, I am sure you will cope :D

12th May 2004, 12:01
If any of you missed it... the smh article and accompanying pic is at ...


...now. Are these models real crew? (prolly a stuuuupid question sorry.)


p.s. cutie 3rd from right!;)

12th May 2004, 12:38
Yes, Honey they are all real life JQ Cabin Crew. There was more people selected to be 'models' at the launch.

Sadly JQ managment only included SYD base. They also only included one original Impulse person. Some people in the photo had only been online for a month. I think it is really sad. I thought a launch would include people from across the network and include those who stuck it out under horrendous conditions to make the company the success it is today. (No! I wasn't rejected from 'model' selection :D) Also our company has many equally beautiful people so it's not like that was a factor.

Cabin Crew management are using the excuse "rapid expansion" to explain its inadequacies, favouritism and inability to handle discilpanary actions fairly. Management are also using it as an excuse not to deal with the union. It is very frustrating as the union can't affect change if management are 'too busy' to attend meetings. I wonder what their next excuse will be?

13th May 2004, 02:21
hang in there ditzyboy. i hope youre not getting too annoyed.... youre not sound ing like the usual DB we all love.

i was wondering... have you started A320 type training? the first one is arriving soon is it not?


13th May 2004, 06:43
Just conveying the thoughts of many others. Hoping and praying that things will not go back to the way they were. The problem is that 99% of Impulse/QantasLink/Jetstar FAs willl put up with anything and get on with the job. I just hope it doesn't mean our relationship with management returns to where it started.

Like I said I am really embarrased! Even the media is slagging out the guys' jacket. And it is the only part I like! :rolleyes: Doesn't say much about my taste! :yuk:

A320 training will be blocked in May and June rosters. It is one day theory in SYD and then one day on the doors and slides in BNE.

13th May 2004, 07:01
Awwwwwwwwwwwww they don't call it 'Jetstar' for nothing!

*******You guys look like stars!*********

Don't listen to what anyone else says. Yes the orange is rather bright but hey the passengers need something to look at on their flight, right? ;)

Goodluck on the 25th!

13th May 2004, 14:20
I think i'm in good position to confidently say...that the Link guys Pulse/Sunnies/Easts have the best looking guys. Mainline eat your heart out! I definately recognise the Jetstar models! *WAVES*

14th May 2004, 01:46
I'm sorry to say it but what on EARTH were they thinking when they designed that uniform????

The girls jackets are bearable, but what's with the bowling alley stripes on the boys?

The best thing about the uniforms are the bottom halves!!

14th May 2004, 02:00
They're perfectly appropriate! The length of the aisle is about as long as a bowling alley. You can take a Jila mint and bowl it down between the crews legs in the rear crew seat! Just wait until you get the muffins they will add a new 'edge' to the bowling technique and give you a more 'lawn bowls' effect. They just need the shoes to match.

14th May 2004, 09:09
Just my bit.......but I think the uniforms look good. A lot of others that are worse out there.....

14th May 2004, 10:33
Raver -
Bring them on, Brother!

We look like clowns :{ :yuk:

14th May 2004, 12:20
Err, they're a little bright Ditz but I'm sure you guys can carry it off... ;)

15th May 2004, 03:11
ditz -

be careful dj crew don't pin ya's down and paint your face - then the clown look might be more realistic.....he he he he

have a great day!

raver :)

15th May 2004, 05:25
Raver thats a fantastic idea re: face painting our jq mates - although I am sure Ditzy wont mind beind pinned down and played with anyway???:O :) :O

Kidding mate lol although I paint a pretty damned good Spiderman................ :}

21st May 2004, 13:30

Yo all don't get it DO YOU...!!

The uniform is supplied FREE... who gives a s_h_i_t what it looks like.

Some of us have had to pay for uniforms for the privilige of working for an airline.

Enjoy, have fun.... get a life the rest of you

PVC Pants
22nd May 2004, 09:40
Well said Dobber :ok:

For goodness sake....it's a bloody uniform you lot....pop those party and clubbing numbers on for the weekend!

Geeeeeez...it doesn't matter how much you whine about it (yes.....you know who you all are).......it is not gonna change this quickly....not for the forseeable future anyway.

And YES it's a FREE uniform....would you like to pay for a complete Morrissey designed uniform yourself???? I think not :rolleyes:

Build a bridge.........get over it!

Go JET*........Good luck for Tuesdays first flight ;) ;) ;)

Love "Pants" x

22nd May 2004, 10:21
Check your PM's Pants.. :) :ok:

PVC Pants
22nd May 2004, 22:13
Cheers BRL :ok: :ok: :ok: Ditto :)

Luv "Pants" xxx

23rd May 2004, 05:16
Thought it was pretty obvious we were all having fun... While I am out getting a life would you like me to pick one up for you both? ;) Seriously guys. It is all harmless FUN.

Dobber and Pants -
Can you honestly say even a third of the crew like the uniform? None of us were whining as you put it. Just laughing at how bad we think it is. I am confident most JQ crew agree. Hell even the media went to town on the Male jacket! We all have opinions and are free to express them last time I checked.

A new uniform will never please everybody. However more thought could have gone into a couple of the pieces they came up with. Go on and deny it! Fact is we all have to wear it and we all will. Have not come across anyone wanting to quit over the new uniform. There is a few people somewhat disappointed though. Again - try and deny it.

What's all this about having to pay for uniforms. So what?! Good luck to you if CHOOSE to work for a carrier that makes you pay for uniforms. Just because it is supplied by the company doesn't mean we have to be ecstatic about wearing an "offensive... StarTrek" jacket, as described by national press. :hmm:

Incidently. I really really like the new crew bags. :ok: What they lack in length they make up for in thickness. And I think we can all live with that :E

sinala1 -
I don't get off by being tied down by just anyone, you know... ;)

23rd May 2004, 12:18

I am SHOCKED AND APPALLED at your reference to thickness over length LOL you call yourself a flight attendant? Its all about size honey!

Re tied down by just anyone well hmmm I know a couplea ppl who are known for their abilities.. would be happy to put you in touch!!! :p :p ;)

As far as the uniform goes folks I gotta agree with ditzy, this post is all in good fun. We all poke fun at our uniforms - f:mad: ck knows I poke fun at mine! But as ditzy said at the end of the day no one is quitting their jobs over it, and to be honest guys come on if you lose your sense of humour over something as trivial as the uniform then how are you going to survive on the flight line?

Its all about fun and hey if we cant laugh at ourselves then we cant laugh at anything else (and btw I am constantly constantly amused by myself for many and varied reasons!!!!!!!)

Cheers folks, and btw ditzy that jacket mate the good thing is I guess you wont need a High Viz Vest hey - its built in! :D :D :D

24th May 2004, 07:57
Nope. We have a safety vest and it's ORANGE too! :hmm:

Mr Seatback 2
24th May 2004, 09:14
I agree with Ditz...the new trolley/day bag is very nice. Much better than I had anticipated.

Can you blame me for being so cynical? Those BLOODY lapels will be the death of me one of these days!

I wonder if it's scientifically possible to wear TOO much orange at once - like, does it cause eye injury? brain haemorrage? fits?

1st Jun 2004, 07:36
Mr Seatback

Any further info re wearing too much orange? Any ill-effects from wearing various different shades of our favourite fruit? :) ;)