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21st Apr 2004, 00:24
Of course, this'll be handled in exactly the same way it would had this been any other guy...


Gun found in congressman's carry-on bag
Lawmaker detained, but not arrested at airport
From Jeanne Meserve and Ted Barrett
CNN Washington Bureau
Tuesday, April 20, 2004 Posted: 8:02 PM EDT (0002 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A U.S. congressman was briefly detained at a Kentucky airport Tuesday after authorities found a loaded gun in his bag at a screening checkpoint, authorities said.

Rep. John Hostettler, R-Indiana, "completely forgot" he had the gun in his bag as he prepared to take a US Airways flight to Washington for the first day of work after a two-week recess, a spokesman for the congressman said.

A Homeland Security Department official said Hostettler had a loaded 9 mm Glock pistol in his bag at Louisville International Airport .

The congressman said he did not know the gun was in his bag and apologized, the official said.

Hostettler's spokesman, Michael Jahr, said Transportation Security Administration officials detained but did not arrest the congressman.

"He was pulled aside and questioned," and then was allowed to take a different flight, Jahr said, adding that he didn't know if the gun was confiscated.

The gun is registered to the congressman, but Jahr said Hostettler never brings it to Washington, where handguns are illegal. He does not have a house or apartment in the district, but sleeps in his office.

Hostettler is an avid sportsman and "hunts lots of things and does target practice," Jahr said. "He's been doing a lot to events in the district and may have packed the wrong bag."

Hostettler is seeking his sixth term representing his southwestern Indiana district.

Buster Hyman
21st Apr 2004, 03:22
Hostettler is seeking his sixth term representing his southwestern Indiana district.
In the mean time, he's putting his CV together for a Sky Marshalls job!:rolleyes:

21st Apr 2004, 07:02
So what do you hunt with a Glock then?

21st Apr 2004, 07:52
The congressman said he did not know the gun was in his bag and apologized, the official said

Did you pack this bag yourself, sir?

21st Apr 2004, 07:55
. . and a guy in the UK gets 8 months for having a couple of rounds in his coat pocket :confused:

Felix Lighter
21st Apr 2004, 08:03
..........and once again we get to see the type of people that dictate public policy in the good ol' US of A.

sky marshalls 'losing their guns' whilst wiping their butts and now this idiot.

glad to see there are no double standards though.

well done the land of the free!! :p

21st Apr 2004, 08:04
Well the idiot actually had five rounds in his pocket - two of them Dum-dums. What are they used for? Spawl? Do you know what you have in your pockets especially when flying?

Congressman idiot should also receive similar re-education.

21st Apr 2004, 10:08
Quite remarkable. Of course I presume we can now expect Mr. Heston to come out and defend everyone's right to tote around guns.

I can honestly say I've never stepped off a plane, unpacked, and then gone "ooh, I forgot I packed that" about anything, much less a handgun.

Someone should ask him exactly what kind of game he was going to hunt with a Glock.

21st Apr 2004, 11:41
Tony Blair's in Washington this week isn't he?

21st Apr 2004, 12:17
He can't shoot a poodle can he? I'm sure the RSPCA would have something to say about that.......

21st Apr 2004, 13:17
Just when things get quiet over there in the Yank-basher's corner someone has to rattle the cage!

On the other hand, this legislator is going around tooled up and the explanation given is that he 'does a lot of hunting'. Well, if you miss Bambi with the first shot with a Glock you have lots more to finish the job.

It would be fascinating to know what he does hunt. My guess is, rappers. Call that a public service, by a public servant. Cool!

I may just move back to the USA. Germany, aside from being able to drive around at insane velocities, is dull by comparison.

21st Apr 2004, 22:24
Quoth Chuks:
I may just move back to the USA. Germany, aside from being able to drive around at insane velocities, is dull by comparison.

Remember the Chinese curse:

"May you live in interesting times."

22nd Apr 2004, 03:03
I suppose that trying to talk your way out of being arrested for having this kind of gun in your carry-on bag must be known as playing the "Glock-end-spiel"!

Ahem. Sorry about that.

27th Apr 2004, 20:24
Storm in a teacup. Whatever your stance on gun control, the guy was lawfully 'carrying' in KY and seems to have made an innocent mistake. The screeners did their job and prevented the gun from going airside. Hopefully he'll pack more carefully next time...

Oh, McGinty: [Slap!] :}