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View Full Version : Training @ Delta Academy

19th Apr 2004, 10:16
Hi Guys,
Just new to this forum, and was wondering if any of you could advise about getting trained to be Professional Pilot at Delta Academy in Orlando, Florida.
'Cos I've been considering going there for my Professional Pilot Training.
Your response and advise will be greatly appreciated.

19th Apr 2004, 10:35
I've done my training at this academy.
This is a great academy,they are very professionnal and very safe.
The good thing is that their are airline owned and they find you a job quite easily if you have the US citizenship or if you have a green card.
It took me 10 month to get my AMESL,CFI,CFII.
After that you have an interview and if succesfull they will offer you a job as a flight instructor.
I didn't have the green card so I had to come back home and know I'm done with my conversions and I'm looking for a job.
I have 840h.
The only thing is that they will not transfer you in the multi group unless you have your hours,even if you are on a visa program.
With 11/09/01, it was hard and the number of students was a little low but from what I know it is a lot better know.

19th Apr 2004, 20:03
How are you doing?

We sure miss having you around for the French Connection. :D

Cheers and hope you get a job real soon.

19th Apr 2004, 21:36
who's that???????

20th Apr 2004, 09:15
Yeah, who's that......

Anyway thanks lharle for your response.
I will really appriciate if you could tell me more about the instructors there, and pass rate of students. 'cos I've registered already for the JAA Integrated programme, and should start with my training in September

20th Apr 2004, 09:35
I don't know a lot about the JAA program,I went there to do the FAA program to build my hours.
I know it was difficult for the JAA program!
But things are getting better and better.
Did you tour the academy?
If not,you should do it,you will be able to meet people from the JAA program.
Some people passed first time some others are still triing!!!
It is always the same,if you work hard you will pass it.

20th Apr 2004, 12:14
Thanks for that lharle,

I've not toured the Academy yet, But I've been speaking to one of the Guys over there.
While you were there, did you go through the Instructorship program to build extra hours?
I intend doing an extra year after the initial year of Training for the Instructorship program. do you think it's a good idea?

20th Apr 2004, 20:31
Henri the student from Iceland.

Anyways about the JAA program. It seems as it will now be a full time course instead of part distance learning and part full time groundschool.

It's not an easy nor is it a tough program it just involves putting in the work each day after school.
The feedback the school has is very large and that by itself is a big plus.

I'd agree with Harle that you should definately take a tour of the place.

How things work over here:

You do your PPL then go on to the groundschool which might now take 5-6 months, I do not have any info on that but I'm guessing.
After you've completed your 14 exams (which can take more or less time depending on how well you study) then you will be building up your hours and from there you can decide whether to do your commercial course at that point or do your FAA IR RATING.

If you live in the UK then of course you will most likely not want to do the FAA rating since you can of course do your JAA IR RATING in the UK.

Of course I forgot about the multi engine part but you can do your multi time when you have 70 hour's PIC TIME.

When this is all done you'll proceed with the CFI course and after that's done then you will get an interview with the folks at DCA and then hopefully do the Standz. class later.

The Standz. class is something that Harle can explain.


21st Apr 2004, 07:18
Nice one OneIn60rule,

You've actually given a break down of the course. You guys are great with the Information you've passed across, Quite helpful.

Out of interest OneIn60rule, Did you also attend Delta Academy?

21st Apr 2004, 12:15
Hey 1in60

Are you sure that the groundschool is now done fulltime in delta, cause i was there in december having a look and was told that it was half DL and half Fulltime?

21st Apr 2004, 21:15
I'm attending at DCA and still have exams left.

It's not 100% certain that they will change it to full time grounschool. I know that in December it was possibly to do distance learning and the other half being ground school but I suspect that due to the fact that a lot of the students are from different countries it may have been deemed complex to keep it half and half.

If they indeed decide to make it full time then I see nothing wrong with that since you'll get a lot better info on the subjects they taught in the distance learning part.
