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8th Apr 2004, 17:25
I have a question.....I work for a small-ish airline and never once have I referred to the Captain as "Captain." As cc we always use first names when addressing the guys up front (even the scary old-skool, ex RAF ones!).

Just wondered if this is standard in most other airlines??

PS Yes, I can think up some names too but lets keep this clean, shall we?? ;)

8th Apr 2004, 19:08
First name terms at ezy too.

8th Apr 2004, 19:16
I demand that all cabin crew call me Senior First Officer at all times.

On first meeting they should bow until I acknowledge their prescence.

Not...... yup first names here - thats if they can remember them.

8th Apr 2004, 19:43
I work for a bigg-ish, and it depends. We usually don't know the rest of the crew, so it's very formal at the beginning. With some people (the majority) it evolves to first name terms almost immediately, with others I too prefer to keep it more formal.

8th Apr 2004, 19:54

Im only a PPL at the moment, but everytime i get to fly in the Flight Deck on 2 Portuguese Airlines, the Cabin Crew always address the Captain has, Captain then followed by their surname, unless the captain wishes otherwise.

8th Apr 2004, 20:04
Personally found that it depends on the culture. In UK and some mainland European countries, first name basis. In Africa and the sub contintent (where you seems to have god like status) all ways called Sir no matter how often you tell the CC your first name.

But respect is a big thing there :ok:

8th Apr 2004, 20:18
I insist on being addressed as Captain, Sir. Until one is stood at ease, then they can have the honor of calling me Captain.

I also require cabin crew carry my baggage, as the lower ranks of flight deck normally refuse this privledge.

P. S. Why cant I find anyone to socialise with me in the evening? Overheard whispers from cabin crew that certain Captains are ar*******. Obviously I am not one of them.:O

8th Apr 2004, 20:52
At BY we call our pilots by their first names - it provides us with a more relaxed working environment.

Our pilots are a great bunch of guys and girls and as cabin crew I have the upmost of respect for them. By calling them by their first name doesn't compromise this.

8th Apr 2004, 23:05
At my airline, we too address the tech crew by their first names. we have a very relaxed and friendly culture amongst the staff, which includes the relationship between CC and F/Crew...

In my opinion it also goes a long way to good CRM also. Being comfortable with the techies means that should anything untoward happen that you have full trust in them, and they have full faith that we will come to them without feeling uncomfortable should we need to

9th Apr 2004, 04:24
Informal too, first names unless SOP's dictate otherwise.

TrafficBoy, I'm assuming you're with PacBlue?

Felix Lighter
11th Apr 2004, 01:47
If theyre 'orstray-yan' can you call them "skippy" instead?

11th Apr 2004, 07:11
I'm old school, so for me it is "Captain" when in customers earshot, and first names when not. F/O's get "Sir" on same T's & C's (I thought this was the SOP for Britannia?).

I imagine you young folk will find this terribly amusing and blather on about how working as a team makes all this unnecessary and everybody respects everybody else etc. etc. I regard it as a simple courtesy, and an acknowledgement and reminder of the structure of the team. Since it hurts nobody, I'll carry on doing it.:O

11th Apr 2004, 12:51
TightSlot, I'm probably what you would class as "young folk" but I do agree with you!

With the locked door policy it's unlikely that pax will hear cc address flight deck but I think it is important to use titles in public to maintain some professionalism.

When I make PAs to the pax I also try to refrain from using the Captain's first name, ie " ...on behalf of Captain Smith...". We've discussed this in PF Briefings before as a way of increasing security on-board. Nobody can gain access to the flight deck without using the captain's first name.

11th Apr 2004, 13:26
Airway, I think you'll find that it's respectful for CC to address the Captain as Captain in front of non-crew, public etc..

You're right, but even in crew envoiroment it's always like that, but i guess every situation is different.

11th Apr 2004, 13:57
Nobody can gain access to the flight deck without using the captain's first name
If I understand right you request access to F/D by interphone? No video cameras in front of F/D door and galley?

11th Apr 2004, 18:11
Unfortunately my airline is not that advanced!

We only replaced our concertina flight deck doors with bullet-proof doors a few months ago!!

CCTV is farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr too modern for us! :O

11th Apr 2004, 23:03
Are women on the flight deck ever addressed as ma'am?

14th Apr 2004, 06:50
Ohhhhh my Lordy....what is in a name??? They could call me anything except , don't call me late for dinner!!!!!

I would like to think that in OZ we are on first name basis. I have never called the CAPTAIN "Captain" except when I was doing a PA to introduce the boys....ooops sorry and some female Pilots too (bless you).

Hey.....I was never addressed as Cabin Manager........... .......... so why the Captain and First Officer thang? Bit wanky for OZ....but we luv you guys all the same :E

Luv "PANTS" xxx ;) ;) ;)

14th Apr 2004, 07:06
Strictly first name with us from the first handshake, but we use "Captain" and "Purser" when addressing either in front of the passengers.
Never heard anyone even discuss this in our outfit, it's just the way things evolved I guess.

Captain always referred to as "The Boss" by other pilots, FAs and ground staff but never addressed as such. It's a term of endearment. ;)