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View Full Version : Explosion at EMA last night

6th Apr 2004, 07:58

Can someone help me ? i landed back at 23.00 hrs last night, work as crew and all the dispatchers were going on about a bomb that had been found in the terminal building...
Anyway on the way back to the crew room the Captain said shall we go for a quick fag,as we normally do and outside the newish part of the terminal there was mess everywhere near the revolving doors, i said to the security guy what has happened, his reply was, there were lots of police and army disposal folks here, a package was left there about 21.00 hrs in a large coffe size can and the disposal unit were brought in to detonate it....

No actual building damage, but my god frightening at least, nothing on the local press abouit this, does anyone know any more ?

almost professional
6th Apr 2004, 08:37
part of the terminal was evacuated because of a suspect package outside the bookshop, this was still ongoing when I left work at 2150L, but pretty obviously the bomb disposal people did a controlled explosion-this is likely to become more frequent over the next few months-so do not leave your baggage unattended!

6th Apr 2004, 12:32
There is an article posted in the Leicester Mercury website. It is reported that the item was noticed at 2000, the police were called, who in turn called in the army. They performed a controlled explosion at 2300, so you must have only just missed it Mike16. It turns out that the tin did in fact contain coffee - but in this day and age the course of action taken last night is best.

Nottingham EMA Ltd reported minimal disruption to the operation of the terminal building.

6th Apr 2004, 20:19
strange that,.the same thing happened in LBA a couple of weeks ago when a stolen car was apparently left outside the terminal,passengers left on board aircraft and terminal evacuated,then bomb squad blow it up.not a snippett in the press.and i didnt see anything on here,did i miss it?