View Full Version : An open letter to the JAA medical authorities. Smokers/nicotine addicts.

29th Mar 2004, 21:19
Smokers/nicotine addicts

I thought it might be timely to bring this subject up, as Ireland has slapped a nationwide ban on smoking in public. Good show to.

Why do the authorities continue to allow this dangerous habit/addiction among licensed aircrew? Those who continue to ignore the dangers to themselves and to others i.e. passive smokers, are in my view displaying suicidal tendencies, are they not? Therefore why should should I as SLF be at the mercy of guys up front who are nicotine addicts.

Apart from the obvious psychological deficiencies displayed by this dangerous addiction. Why should the travelling public be forced to put at risk, by strapping themselves to an A/C that is being crewed by a pilot or co-pilot that is an addict, if indeed they are smokers, in this instance? If a crewmember that smokes, shows such little disregard for their own safety and well being, how can we guarantee, they are looking after our interests? They are well aware of the dangers, are they not?

I am sure a crewmember would have a very shaky hold on his or her license, not to mention their job, if they were to display symptoms of a screw being loose, in other ways. In fact you would come down real hard right? Therefore why are you, the authorities, so soft on smokers?

On Saturday I watched as yet another family member pass away. If this person had not smoked, I am sure they would be alive today. Another premature death chalked up to the tobacco companies.

I await replies from the medical authorities with interest. Assuming there is interest.

29th Mar 2004, 21:47
Oh I forgot, silly me. You cannot reason with an addict:O

30th Mar 2004, 00:11
Nicotine does not have the same mind-altering effect as, say, alcohol. However, the withdrawal effects of nicotine deprivation can be severe.

Nicotine is one of the most highly addictive substances we know of yet Heroin addicts continue to attract more consideration than smokers when it comes to withdrawal from their drug of choice. As do alcoholics. People like d-a seem to think all it takes is for someone in authority to say "Don't do that, old chap/chapess" and the addiction will magically go away. Problem solved. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is a long, hard road that many find impossible to negotiate.

And, as far as I am concerned, it is little more than utter hypocrisy to serve other addictive drugs on a flight while refusing smokers the right to theirs.

BlueDiamond ... non-smoker and non-drinker

30th Mar 2004, 06:53
W-an, I can understand your frustration.

About 25% of adults smoke in the UK, are they all psychologically deficient ?

If you were in charge of the Department of Health, what would you do to stop people smoking ? Use the carrot or the stick ?

30th Mar 2004, 10:10
Agree with w-a

What it amounts to is this.

Society accepts the game of Russian roulette using nicotine. The last time I looked at a cig packet it had a Government warning, smoking kills.

Why don’t they play using a revolver, with 1 in the chamber? Same result and a lot less strain in the NHS, or what’s left of it.

B-D. Agreed but how many herion addicts hold a pilot licence for the use in public transport? Not to many i hope.