View Full Version : Timespan to find a job upon licensing

28th Mar 2004, 19:10
Hey guys,

I'll be getting my CPL/fATPL by the end of this year (Godwilling), and was wondering about something I've heard maybe a couple of times about a limited timespan upon getting your license to get a job. And if you should take too long, it's near impossible to then find that first job. Can anyone verify on this for us?


Capt Claret
28th Mar 2004, 21:25
CPL obtained Feb 1984, first full time flying positions gained Feb 1986.

I've not heard about a limited timespan though it is years since I was at that stage. It used to be that most of those who sat at home in the big smoke waiting for a knock on the door didn't progress and most of those who went looking did.

My opinion: Those who don't give up on the job (flying) search succeed.

Howard Hughes
28th Mar 2004, 21:41
Took me ten years to get a job!

But then again I never got off my @r$e and left the city.

The moment I did, I got one!!

Like Capt Claret said: My opinion: Those who don't give up on the job (flying) search succeed.

I agree 100% and am having a ball!!

Cheers, HH.


the wizard of auz
29th Mar 2004, 03:26
I was one of the real lucky ones I guess. got the CPL on a wednesday at 5:00pm, flew me first charter (joy flight) on thursday morning at 6:00am.
managed to do a bunch of part time work around the traps for a couple of years flying anything I could get me hands on and started full time about two years after licence issue. Run my own little show now and have been full time for near ten years.
have been active in the industry for about twelve months before I started my CPL, sweeping floors,doing all the ****ty jobs like loading chemicals and carting fuel and the flying just followed as an extension of my job doing the other stuff.
The harder I worked, the luckier I got. ;)
I don't think there is a time limit on licence issue to actual employment though.

29th Mar 2004, 08:18
Finished my training just as Sep 11 and the Ansett collapse occured......which meant I couldn't get a start for the life of me. Worked three non-flying jobs in the meantime saving up.....eventually got a flying position in Jan 2003 and recently have been put on full-time. Mind you, I didn't move out of the big city either.

I think what you MAY have heard is that you shouldn't take too long as employers MAY wonder if your skills are still up to scratch, especially if you've been away from the flying scene.

31st Mar 2004, 06:27
Cheers guys,

Thanks for all replies. Good to hear as I'm considering a trip around the world (in perhaps somewhat more than 80 days) upon graduation. My poor bank account...

Any more replies and perspectives, if available, are welcomed. :ok:

31st Mar 2004, 07:56
How long is a piece of string? It all depends!

It's up to you buddy, and no one else can get the job for you.

Enough of my pearls of wisdom, back to that nice glass of red.
