View Full Version : Enough doom & gloom

26th Mar 2004, 22:33
Having read and contributed to the general "woe is me" I thought I'd ask:
Given a sizeable budget increase what would you want for your service?
Personally I'd settle for enough Crew, Engineers and spares at the moment but I'm sure that you would have more grandiose dreams than that.

26th Mar 2004, 23:24

If I could change one thing it would be that we do away with the need for all of us to do a whole plethora of secondary duties in order to get promoted:}

Imagine an Airforce where we simply promoted our best people rather than the usual swathe of mediocre individuals who rise up the food chain and display their ineffectivness on a daily basis.

We all know them, and invariably compensate for them which is why the job gets done. For the life of me I cannot imagine the major corporations out there being run by some of the feckwits we have in charge:E ............the shareholders would go feckin stir fry as the company goes bust:ok:

PA spine so no axe to grind just an observation:ok:

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

PS.....O's why do you post everyone just as they start to get good at their job :(

Echo 5
27th Mar 2004, 11:34

" I cannot imagine the major corporations out there being run by some of the feckwits we have in charge".

The problem is that's just what happens. It's called "the old boys club" and industry is absolutely rife with refugees who were once "leaders of men" in HM Forces. Ineptitude Rules - believe it.

E5. :sad:

27th Mar 2004, 11:44
The most productive of such are those who use people from HM's FC who know what they were talking about, rather than yes-men who meekly submitted to bullying from above. Spineless smiling sycophants and hot-air talking ex-Air Officers are soon seen as what they truly are - a waste of everyone's time!

Head to Earth
27th Mar 2004, 16:28
Perhaps we could use your budget increase to contract out our secondary duties so we can get on with our primary jobs - any bidders ;)

28th Mar 2004, 08:36
i think there are always going to be issues with spares etc, the question is- are the powers that betrying to rectify the situation. i believe that the answer is yes. example, first time going to the magic kingdom and there was not enough kit to go round. second time out and the suppliers were practically throwing the stuff at me. the detractors will argue that this is too little too late.possibly. but the important thing is that it is moving in the right direction. who doesnt want more kit, more hours and new upgrades? all i can say is that where im sitting things are definately improving.
anyway, enough of the sermon, im of to sunbath in the delicious aroma of desert fresh portaloos. mmmmm super heated sh_t