View Full Version : Cardiomegaly

25th Mar 2004, 04:26
I have just been informed by my company's medical department that my last Chest X-Ray revealed "Mild Cardiomegaly" and they require me to have an echocardiogram for further investigation.
Is this something to really worry about, what are the normal implications for licence holders?
I'm a mid fifties male, non-smoker, execise 4-5 times a week for 40-45 minutes at high aerobic levels.
Last medical revealed low cholesterol (169), resting pulse 50 bpm. blood pressue 105/60.
Any input------thankyou.

26th Mar 2004, 13:54
Not much to go on but do a search for Athlete's Heart. X-rays are good for some things but the echo will tell them a lot more, which is why they are doing it :ok: