View Full Version : Advice please CF vs. RAF???

Colonial Aviator
24th Mar 2004, 10:07
Surprise, surprise - another wannabe! I have always wanted to be a pilot, yes like many before me and indeed like many to come. And I am in the process of applying both the Royal Air Force and the Canadian Forces as a pilot. Having completed EFT here in England while on a UAS and in the process of finishing off the degree. Just wondering if anyone can give me any advice on the potential prospects for pilots, more so from a Canadian point of view if possible since I've been reading a lot and have an idea of what the prospects are here in the UK.

24th Mar 2004, 13:30
As you say you've completed EFT, at the crabs expense, it would be nice if you were to join them. However gauging your level of committment......... maybe better not.

24th Mar 2004, 16:56
As the RAF's FJ Canadian Exchange guy (eh?), I can tell you that the RAF has been keeping reasonably close to its pilot manning level (I dunno what its called here - See the thread about PhlyingPhats chop from XV Sqn for %ages) In Canada, nobody is enrolling as a pilot, or in the military for that matter, as our gov't has not (historically - ie. since the 1950s) supported us. It is the classic, "Employer of last resort". That said, if you want to try, check out:
www.dnd.gc.ca; or,
www.airforce.gc.ca/index_e.htm; or,

Best 'o' luck, eh?:ok: