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View Full Version : Solo flight attendants

12th Mar 2004, 07:36
Hello, can anyone tell me about being a solo flight attendant- flying aircraft with 36 or less pax.
How are safety demos done? Is it stressful being the only flight attendant on board? Any other information from anyone would be great :)

12th Mar 2004, 08:17
Hi Mel,
I crewed the Dash 8 for quite some time. Solo flying is great. You get to do things your way!! Within the guidelines though! ;) It's not stressful at all!
Demo's were done by tape most of the time. I had to know other PA's by heart. If there was no tape deck, I had to read the demo and stop and demonstrate bits and pieces inbetween.
PM me if you have any more questions!

12th Mar 2004, 08:27
hey cart_tart, thanks for that. Sent you a PM but it says ur inbox is full??!

12th Mar 2004, 09:42
Hi Littlemissmel,

Im also a solo FA on 30 seat brasilia and 36 seat dash 8. When i frist applied for the position I was a bit worried about being solo, but it is fantastic experience ive been flying solo for over a year now and love it. With our company we do are safety PA then do our o2 demo and lifejacket demo . Its all a matter of confidence which will come very quickly. I think it is a great way to start your flying career.


12th Mar 2004, 10:30
hi littlemissmel,

flying solo and multi-crew both have their pros and cons, i flew solo on for nearly two years, now i'm flying multi-crew

as ct said, being solo is great, you can basically run the cabin as you want (within the rules of course!) and i found you could build up a real rapport with your pax after a while, especially with charter work. we had no tapes in any of our aircraft, so all of the PA's were done from memory or you could read them from the card. on the downside, it could get a little lonely occasionally, but i've since learnt you can draw someone on your roster you might not especially like flying with!! :)
you'll find that the experience of flying solo will also set you up with skills and confidence you can carry with you both in flying and in life, i know its certainly made me a more confident person in both! and as much as i love flying multi-crew now, i often really miss flying solo!

feel free to pm me if you like, but i think ct and kjay have covered it better than me! hope you haven't forgotten your first Dash YCN training flight yet kjay!! :p


12th Mar 2004, 13:18
I was just told today I have an interview with NJS for PER base in a fortnights time. I've heard that NJS bases around australia have been closed, is the Perth one stable at the moment?
If I am selected by NJS, will I be flying for them or airlink?
Sorry so many questions if anyone could help that'd be great:)