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12th Mar 2004, 05:52
Apparently cabin crew at Gulf Air are dropping at a rate of 20 a week. Crew are flying at minimum capacity and many are leaving to go to rival airline Etihad.

Gulf Air have recently given their crew a 3% increase in salary to keep them within the airline.

12th Mar 2004, 09:44
As with many airlines, cabin crew are a dime a dozen...easily replaced.
Hardly worth worrying about.:=

12th Mar 2004, 10:10
>>Gulf Air have recently given their crew a 3% increase in salary to keep them within the airline.<<

Wow, that much?

12th Mar 2004, 10:38
411A Ye jest !

GF have always had a big turnover of cabin crew but this latest surge is starting to hurt.

The cost of training and replacement is expensive. They don't hand out pay increases around this place unless absolutely necessary.

The 767 aircrew will be next but it will need a better carrot than a lousy 3%. :rolleyes:

12th Mar 2004, 11:27
Much like Flight Deck Crew 411A.............no shortage of Pilots willing to fly aircraft for management. That's why they are treated with such little respect by managment and your (pretty typical) attitude to fellow employees is why the pilot community gets zero respect or sympathy from others!

Have a nice day :D

12th Mar 2004, 11:29

Yes, would agree that training is expensive, but just as I tried to point out to the EK pilot crowd, the Gulf ain't what it used to be, paywise.

And, it ain't likely to change anytime soon....as many are finding out now.:oh:

12th Mar 2004, 13:34
Wow 411A you really must have a low opinion of Cabin Crew judging by that remark of yours. Of course you can replace anyone in any job. Whether you get efficient, skilled professionals is another matter.

I daren't even ask what you do for a living

12th Mar 2004, 14:43
The 3% increase was company wide, a CPI (or cost of living) increase; not just for some sort of incentive to keep crew.

12th Mar 2004, 15:17
Now hang on a second there. Before we go tarring all pilots with the same brush used on 411A, try this:

1. Select the SEARCH function above.
2. Under <Search by Username> type in "411A".
3. Read some of the almost 3000 posts he has made on this website.

You will find (as I have) that the vast majority of his postings are obnoxious, self-centered and offensive. Furthermore, his claims to have been a heavy-metal airline pilot are disputed multiple times and his credibility is brought into question on almost every occassion that he posts.

My (unqualified) opinion is that you treat him with the contempt that he deserves, all the while remembering that he is not one of us. :ok:

Colonel Klink
12th Mar 2004, 15:24
Guys, don't even rise to the bait! They may be easily replaced, but if Gulf can't find enough of them then the planes don't fly! A well known but short sighted management attitude, and if a meagre 3% is all that is on the table, they will lose many more!:mad:

Anthony Carn
12th Mar 2004, 15:33
I honestly fail to understand the regular 411A criticism. He makes his points in a direct and straightforward manner. Big deal.

The point is that one can replace cabin crew at very short notice and at possibly low cost.

Recruitment is off the street. Qualification requirements are commonplace. Training takes a few weeks and is extremely unlikely to result in a "fail". Training may well be subsidised/offset against tax.

The only thing that is likely to suffer with high turnover is quality and safety. Those factors won't stop the operation !

Schrodingers Cat
12th Mar 2004, 15:58
I recntly flew Gulf Air Business class and it was bloody awful, the food was worse than BA economy (no i don't!) and the morale amongst the cabin crew seemed very low........:sad:

12th Mar 2004, 16:15
The only one, of all that contribute to Pprune, that is on my ignore list is 411A.

Try for yourselfthe "blood pressure reducing" facility offered by Pprune of "Ignore List"

Amazon man
12th Mar 2004, 16:34
Anthony Carn/411A,

As a Captain with what used to be the British flag carrier, I find your attitude towards cabin crew at the best appalling and at the worst offensive.

There is an almighty difference between trained experienced cabin crew and somebody hired off the street. A well trained experienced cabin crew member is an absolute necessity particularly in todays flying enviroment and to suggest they are just ten a penny is particularly disingenuous.

A large number of cabin crew are very well educated and have higher qualifications and degrees than many of the pilots I fly with including myself.

I thought this attitude towards cabin crew disappeared with the ark, obviously some pilots still belong on the ark perhaps towards the bottom with some of the lower forms of life.

Any First Officer or Captain displaying this type of attitude on any aircraft I fly will get short shrift. Just remember now with the locked door policy employed on most airlines, who has become the first line of defence against any sick individual who thinks his cause justifys bringing down an aircraft and occupants.

411A if indeed you do fly for a living and with the amount of time you spend on Pprune I seriously doubt it, with your sort of attitude you really shouldn't be flying aircraft for a living maybe stacking shelves in a supermarket is more your cup of tea. It just goes to prove no matter what sort of screening process airlines put in place to select applicants no system is infallible.

Anthony Carn
12th Mar 2004, 17:27
Amazon man

That response is a complete misinterpretation of my post.

1 -- Please list, for yourself, the minimum entry requirements for cabin crew, the number of days training required and the failure rate.

You'll then maybe see my point, which was that the replacement of cabin crew is relatively quick and easy.

2 -- The final comment of my post ------

"The only thing that is likely to suffer with high turnover is quality and safety."

------ completely agrees with your statement ------

"There is an almighty difference between trained experienced cabin crew and somebody hired off the street."

Incorrect words now duly removed from my mouth after you put them there ! :*

12th Mar 2004, 17:47
Well back to Gulf Air, their Gulf Traveller (all economy subsidary of Gulf Air) cabin crew have already striked last December for a few days over pay. All crew at downline stations on the Gulf Traveller network didn't turn up. They can't strike in Bahrain as its illegal to strike there.

Gulf Traveller staff get paid less than the Gulf Air staff and less days off.

12th Mar 2004, 23:36
Suspect that if this 'strike at outstations' routine were tried to a greater extent, said CC would be dismissed for cause, and have to find their own way back to base.
This would stop any so called action dead in its tracks.
In addition, they might well find that the local Bahrain immigration would not let them return, whereupon they would lose any possessions they had there...cars, furniture etc.

The management have the upper hand in these circumstances, and a few who dis-agree might well find themselves on the short end of the stick, and any amount of bravado will not help.

CC always have been a dime a dozen, and always will be, in the middle east. Folks that apply western values to the middle east will always be surprised when the deep doggie do-do hits the fan.

Just like the pilots at EK now are finding out, the employees have no rights whatsoever in the middle east, and there is absolutely nothing they can do about it...period.

Has been that way for thirty years that I have operated (or thru) there, and it ain't gonna change anytime soon.

13th Feb 2005, 02:32
Amazon man ,if you did work for birdseed airways you must have realised the unionised dont give a stuff for the passengers attitude displayed by cabin crew. And while your at it have you had your long haul flight disrupted by their petty industrialised rules? The answer should be yes. If you stand virgin cabin crew
against BA then virgin would stand out a long way at a fraction of the cost and they havent been in the airline for 30 years either.

13th Feb 2005, 05:55

This thread,let me remind you,is about Gulf Air, NOT Emirates,so please stop trying to drop the EK bashing bit in.We know you no longer work at Emirates so please take you hatred and irrelevant posts elsewhere. The contempt you show towards Cabin Crew is only matched by the contempt most of us here feel towards you! :mad:

13th Feb 2005, 06:08
Sorry to disappoint you BYMONEK, but never worked for EK, nor have I ever had the desire to do so....and with the problems they are certainly having now with disgruntled FD crew, I can't imagine anyone wanting to go there now.

Unless, of course, all other doors are closed....your avenue perhaps?

As for CC...dime a dozen, now and forever.
That ain't gonna change either.;)

13th Feb 2005, 06:45

As for CC...dime a dozen, now and forever.
That ain't gonna change either

Thats a bit rough statement. I dare y say that to my mothers face, a highly educated woman who did a 32 year career as cabin crew. She would kick you square on the nuts. You would deserve that.
Did you ever give a thought what you ate in a crew meal after comments like that?

Flirt Attendant
13th Feb 2005, 12:03
The turnover at Gulf Air has always been quite high.
However with Etihad expanding so quickly, it seems that many crew have made the move to Abu Dhabi. Better pay, better conditions, rapid promotion and increased job security are a few of the tempters.
It is a shame for Gulf Air as the potential was always there.