View Full Version : Seven Arrested At Gatwick

11th Mar 2004, 22:06
From BBC Online today.


21st Mar 2004, 18:17
What, no reactions to this posting!!! And remember, when flying within or out of the USA you must leave your bags unlocked! I wonder how long before a similar occurence is discovered over there. SECURITY my @rse. Open shop for thiefs that's what it is. And what happens if you go thru customs on arrival and they find "items" not belonging to you in your case?

21st Mar 2004, 20:22
What, no reactions to this posting!!!

Probably would have gotten more hits by now if the title at least gave a hint of a topic object

21st Mar 2004, 20:39
In my experiences the majority of airports have had similar problems.

Unfortunately it's easy pickings and can take some time, due to lost baggage claims etc, to be detected.

There is always a way no matter how "tight" security may be.....


21st Mar 2004, 22:17
The locks on most suitcases won't stop a determined thief for very long, on the other hand, a strong strap using a conventional type buckle, rather than a plastic 'clip-in' device, will require too much of a thief's time to undo.

In South Africa a favourite for thieves is a spoke from a motor cycle wheel, it is used to bang out the hinge-pin, (see Samsonite and Delsey), the thief then feels around inside for cameras etc. and after removing them replaces the hinge-pin. When the case is retrieved it looks normal and the theft goes un noticed for some time. A strong strap will stop this too.

Ex Oggie
22nd Mar 2004, 00:50
This has been going on for as long as people have flown from airports, some countries (and airports!) more so than others.

And these are the people we trust with our, and our pax's safety?

I think the BBC actually missed the main concern here. If someone is corrupt enough to take items out, then a few may be corrupt enough to put items in for the right price, be it drugs, smuggling or other nasties. It has happened before............

25th Mar 2004, 11:50
The reason it got no reply might be that we dealt with it in SLF forum. It's no issue.

Bags get stolen
People get suspicious as insurance claims mount and the carriers kick back against the handling agent
CCTV is installed
There is a raid and people get arrested
Bags don't get stolen any more
Three years go by and new staff arrive
Four years go by and management have got lazy
Bags get stolen
People get suspicious as insurance claims mount and the carriers kick back against the handling agent
CCTV is installed
There is a raid and people get arrested
No bags don't get stolen any more


30th Mar 2004, 09:51
How can you be so cynical?? :D :D :p :p :p

30th Mar 2004, 17:49
More today:eek: