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View Full Version : Node or not?

10th Mar 2004, 08:36
At the threshold of Darwin's RWY 29 there is what looks like a whopping big turning node, on both the northern and southern sides of the runway.

I've been through there a few times recently for the red-eye flights back to the south-east coast and have often been cleared to backtrack RWY 29.

When approaching the threshold, I've noticed tyre marks indicating that larger aircraft have been using these turning nodes to line up. However I'm just wondering, if they were supposed to be used as such, wouldn't the runway edge line widen out and follow the nodes edge as well? The way it is at the moment, the runway edge marking (white line) continues in a straight line past the node to the runway threshold. So if you want to use the node, you have to cross the white line.

I'm pretty sure the node has no edge marking or edge lighting (Although this might be a lie. I can't quite remember.)

Just checking the Jeppesen "Airports and Ground Aids" it says:


5.5.7 Runway Side Stripe and End Marking

Solid white lines delineate the edges of the full strength pavement on sealed or concrete runways.


I can't think of any other runway around our Australian network where you have to cross the solid white line to make use of a turning node.

Also if you compare the depiction on the Darwin Aerodrome Chart with that of say Townsville, you'll see what I mean.

Curious to know what others reckon.


10th Mar 2004, 10:32
The area is for military use FRA = Fighter readiment apron or area or some thing of the sort, i THINK??

Capn Bloggs
10th Mar 2004, 12:06
A Fighter Replenishment Area?

10th Mar 2004, 15:33
So do you think it's OK for a medium or heavy jet RPT to step over the line?

11th Mar 2004, 05:45
Used to work at DN, they are ORP's (Operational Readiness Platforms). It's where the fighters sit when they are awaiting scramble etc. during exercises, quite often with one donk burning if they are on high alert. Can't give a definitive answer (left there 9 years ago) but I think from memory that they are not full strength, and with the RWY side line not going in there would seem to confirm that. With a RWY 60m wide I would be surprised if they made it full strength all the way out.