View Full Version : advice military pilots

9th Mar 2004, 18:50
This thread is I suppose similar to empty pockets on joining the forces for a career in aviation.....

I am currently student at university on an 'industrial year' which is not related to aviation. However I have always harboured a desire to fly, experience with father (holds a ppl). I had toyed with the idea of applying to the RAF a while ago but a friend told me I have to be younger than 23 when i commence training (is this true?) i also looked at the army but was told if didnt make it i would still be in the army as an officier in a non flying role ? (not totally bad news to me)

anyway i was hoping for a few answers on some questions i have

1) what sort of criteria are the RAF looking in potential pilots, what is the exceptance / decline ratio

2) should i be looking to apply now baring in mind i graduate in 2005 (when i will be 23)

3) any hints/ tips on what i should do before i graduate to increase my chances of selection?

apologies for lack of knowledge on the subject feel free to correct me any areas.

Many thanks

9th Mar 2004, 20:06

"Harboured a desire" vs a burning ambition.
"Toyed with the idea" vs it's an all-consuming passion.
Ground job being "not totally bad news" vs a fate worse than a fate worse than death.

See RAF website for specifics, but you can't have too many applications under your belt. Go and visit an RAF squadron to give your application weight. In the interview, be prepared to defend against "Why weren't you in the cadets", "Why didn't you join the UAS", "Persuade us you're keen".

It's still the best job in the world, but is it really, really what you want to do? 6 months officer training, a holding system that's getting steadily worse, killing people...

9th Mar 2004, 21:06
cheers guys I wil endeavour to become more committed, I work in at traflagar square so the strand would be ideal for me so thanks.

better start planning my expedition to Kathmandu!

9th Mar 2004, 23:36
From my experiences with the RAF Careers people, I was told that you had start IOT prior to your 24th birthday (ie 23 or younger as Mike said). This is also written down on the most recent careers data leaflet about RAF pilots (double sided non glossy piece of A4 paper published Oct 2003).
You may encounter people at the front desk who will tell you differently regarding the age criteria so you'll need to be persistent but polite as well.

10th Mar 2004, 04:50

I was just about to turn 23 when I started my application, have been accepted as pilot, and am starting IOT in May, 24 in October. My m8 is also in as a pilot, but he's starting in April since he's 24 in May, so if you come up to scratch, they can and will make sure your age is not an issue, so long as they have time.

As for acceptance rates, I was one of an OASC group of almost 50, of which well over 50% were going for pilot. After the first cut, there were only 3 of us left going for pilot, and as far as I know I'm the only one who got it. They run two OASCs of 35-50 people 48 weeks of the year.

What does that mean for your chances? Absolutely nothing! Be good enough, you'll get in. I was probably not the most amazing candidate on paper, but I had well thought out reasons behind everything I had ever done, and every life decision I had taken, and I have absolutely no doubt that the extra maturity and life experience from being about 5 years older than the average applicant helped immensely. You will almost certainly come across more confident and suited to leadership in the interaction elements, be that the interview, the group "classrooom" exercises, or the hangar exercises.

Best of luck to you!

11th Mar 2004, 04:31
Link to other current thread on the topic.


If you don't ask you won't get!!! Do not concern yourself with the pass/fail figures, if they like you......:ok:


11th Mar 2004, 17:29
thanks for the link/s they have been really helpful and have confirmed to me that I really want to go into aviation in the military

I just have to do something about it now!

Lara crofts pants
13th Mar 2004, 01:55
I was too old to begin pilot training too. However the jolly old RAF gave me an age waiver and I started IOT at the age of 24.

So I echo the above sentiment of "if you don't ask......"

Best of luck