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5th Mar 2004, 23:52
i'm getting bloody sick of airlines who don't reply to one's emails. i think i have written to at least ten airlines and got about two replies. they don't care about those who are interested, do they?


6th Mar 2004, 00:04
hello !!!!

Sorry mate, but in case you hadnt noticed airlines make their money by flying passengers around not by replying to prospective crew !

6th Mar 2004, 00:08
I couldn't agree more desek - I have had the same - Airlines i have written to (not emailed) include Emirates, Qatari, European, to name but 3. Agencies are as bad and I include Airline Appointments, who I am convinced just want you to send them a cv so they can bin it on arrival.

6th Mar 2004, 00:11
I suggest telephoning the particular airline and asking to speak to the recruitment section. That way you've dealt with a person and also they might give more up-to-date information too.

6th Mar 2004, 00:12
AND - how are they gonna fly pax around with no crew?????

Oh yeah - SS Enterprise Transporters are ten a penny...and even they need operators!!!!!


6th Mar 2004, 00:17
They obviously have enough crew / are recruiting fast enough without replying to emails otherwise they wouldnt be flying!

If you want to make it more specific - what is the job of the recruitment dept ?

a) Recruit crew
b) Answer emails


Dont make it personal!

6th Mar 2004, 06:12
"hello !!!!

Sorry mate, but in case you hadnt noticed airlines make their money by flying passengers around not by replying to prospective crew" !

The above posting gets the award for most stupid of the year in my book.

Airlines have HR departments they are clearly not doing there jobs correctly.

Additionally its good old plain good PR for a company to have the decency to reply to a prospective employee not to mention good manners as well if someone has taken the time and interest to write!!!!

6th Mar 2004, 16:24

You are entitled to your opinion, but it doesnt make you right.

Maybe it is not good PR to not reply, but unfortunately in the *REAL WORLD* that is how it is. And whats more the job won't come and find you, you have to go and get it!

Maybe take teachin's advice, phone them, or pop in if possible.

Have you any idea how many CV's a HR dept of an airline gets ?

Maybe you guys that think I'm so stupid can you explain where the financial sense of employing someone purely to write and post 1000's of letters each year saying "Sorry you don't make the grade."

6th Mar 2004, 22:20
I have found that e-mails get 'lost' or 'misplaced' in cyberspace especially to HR departments (not just airlines)

Luckily i have my email client set to save a copy of each sent email, after a few weeks without a response i forward another copy of the email with a small note saying when the first email went through 'just making sure i have the right address...' '...any help would be appreciated...' blah blah blah never had to send a third email.

Though my emails have all been questions. Like how an Australian grade converts to a UK GCSE etc.

6th Mar 2004, 23:18
EC this isn't about whose right or whose wrong my friend!!!! I was simply replying to a posting about companies not replying to letters.

Yes your quite right I am entitled to my opinion as you are yours!!!

6th Mar 2004, 23:44
good to see at least some people agree with me! i know the hrd are usually under a lot of pressure, but they should be more concerned about prospective people who want to work with them! not replying to emails and other enquiries can be a very serious matter in the long run, according to my own opinion.

don't know if anyone agrees on this!

crewmeal, i also wrote qatari and many other middle eastern airlines several times and not even one single reply!!

7th Mar 2004, 02:35
expedite - which comes first the chicken or the egg???? I always thought it was the crews that fly the aircraft and HR depts do the hiring so to speak. Without the crews no flights and then no HR dept so to speak!!!

desek - don't even think of Gulf air their HR dept doesn't exist !!and also they don't take Stewards unless you are Arabic

7th Mar 2004, 03:44
crewmeal, i know gulf air are very slow at that! do you know why they don't take on males who are not arabic?

7th Mar 2004, 18:30
desuk - from what I can remember during my BA days there were some scandals regarding English stewards and some senior figures in BAH (I am not going to name names) It all ended in tears and I gather GF decidied not to employ non Arab Stewards. Me thinks the crews didn't like those old green 2 piece uniforms they used to wear in those days!!!

8th Mar 2004, 03:50
I think it would be more accurate to assume that they have enough of their own nationals to fill the jobs available for stewards. Females are harder to recruit due to some Islamic traditions so they look to other nationalities to meet the number of females required. They did recently employ a few brits or and irish stewards but I believe that it was to overcome the sex discrimination laws while advertising in in these parts.

8th Mar 2004, 04:39
i heard about this as well. apparently when they were recruiting in australia some years ago (?), they stated they only wanted females, but the board of discrimination said if they wanted to recruit there in the future, they had to leave out the gender part in their adds.

crewmeal, i never saw those uniforms. what did they look like?

9th Mar 2004, 21:29
and gulf air say they are an equal opportunity employer, heh?

10th Mar 2004, 01:35
desek - from what I remember they were 2 piece green suits. They really stood out as well. We used to take the p*** out of the crews when we were in BAH

I flew GF to SYD a couple of years ago. I have to say that the arab stewards on the SIN-SYD sector were not very friendly and all they wanted to do was sleep on the back row of the A340. The girls however were fab and the champers flowed all the way to SYD. Now thats flying for you!!!

10th Mar 2004, 06:52
arab stewards not being friendly is something i have read in many airline summaries made by passengers. not only at gulf air, but also at many other middle eastern carriers!

i wish they would take on westerns too. though that happened a long time ago, maybe they should try to forget about it and give it another ago. emirates and qatar airways employ foreign males! no probs there, are there?