View Full Version : Photos: Who sent these?

2nd Mar 2004, 16:54
These pics were very submitted for the Jan calendar.

They are great shots but, unfortunately, we couldn't use them because they couldn't be expanded to full screen size without losing quality.
(BlenderPilot tells me it's all to do with resolution - the digital photographers amongst you will understand.)

I'm sorry but I've lost my record of who sent them.

Would you please contact me.








3rd Mar 2004, 11:08

Those are some photos! It would take lots of resolution to walk home from that LZ!

What mountain/range?

3rd Mar 2004, 14:31
They are good shots aren't they.

It's a coastal range in Canada sent to me by one of our Canadian members, but I can't find my note of the name of the range or the name of the member. :(

4th Mar 2004, 06:37
I must own up to sending you the two photos of the Mk 2 Puma covered in snow (and that was after most of it had been swept off).

We had been flying from Aberdeen to the Foinavon oil production ship in the Atlantic about 40nm west of Shetland when a heavy snow fall enveloped the ship. We landed on the Schiehalion about 5 miles away just as the snow hit it and we decided to shut down for it to pass.

Eventually, 4 hours later, the snow stopped. By this time the temperature had dropped from about +4 to -2 and the helicopter had turned into an ice lollipop as the wet snow froze to the airframe. We had no choice but to overnight until the temperature started to rise the next day so we could de-ice the aircraft.

Here is an L2 in slightly better weather


4th Mar 2004, 15:04
Thanks Hugh.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

Please would you post them, with your comments, in our 'Rotorheads Around the World' thread.

It would be good to have your latest pic too - but it needs to be reduced in size. Let me know if you have any difficulty doing that and we can help.


6th Mar 2004, 10:46
Hey Hugh,

What phase of flight is the puma in during the photo?



6th Mar 2004, 19:09
Hello Steve

It's actually just taking off from the rig. The wheels were down but I tweaked the photo for another purpose and removed the wheels.

8th Mar 2004, 19:09

I've copied the photos to 'Rotorheads Around the World'.
Thanks for resizing the last photo.


Still hoping to find out who sent the Jetranger on the mountain top photos.
Fantastic shots - I'd like to give credit where it's due.


One of these days
20th Apr 2005, 22:52
Just been surfing and noticed this thread. The 206 is from last year in Antigua. I haven't got a web page so I sent it to someone to post it for me, can't remember who-sorry.


Head Turner
21st Apr 2005, 16:14
The JetRanger on top of the mountain is probable the best photo ever taken. Everything just right. Well done whoever was involved in landing there and the taker of the picture. Great.

21st Apr 2005, 17:39
The mountain photo looks like a shot of a VIH machine. Probably the mountain training course out of Blue River. I will ask a few people...

21st Apr 2005, 21:15
VIH.....the only way to fly!

John Eacott
22nd Apr 2005, 00:03
The VIH photo was sent to me back in November 2003, by Squirrel: it was taken at Mt Campignola. I have e mailed him for a larger image :)

I have the higher res. Puma photos available, too.

22nd Apr 2005, 22:18
i think the flight mode the puma is in is called "hover pose mode":ok:

24th Apr 2005, 02:51
When I see that VIH Bell I think of the late John Denver and his song- "Rocky Mountain" HIGH .

25th Apr 2005, 01:32
The VIH machine on the mountain is flown by Dave Ferguson of VIH.
AKA: Super Dave.
Now we know why.

27th Apr 2005, 02:26
Unfortunately the photo was not taken in the largest resolution, so I cannot help.

It was on a VIH Mountain Training Course out of Prince Rupert in 2002 instructed by Dave Ferguson and the 206 was being flown by Jeff Brown with Dave alongside.

Here is another photo.
