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View Full Version : Flyblu ex BHX another non starter?????

26th Feb 2004, 19:30
Does anyone know anything about Flyblu due to depart out of BHX in June?
Has anyone got or been for an interview with them?

Does anyone know what their ethos is and where their backing comes from?

Does anyone know ANYTHING about them at all?

27th Feb 2004, 03:50
Hi Richter

Well i have gone for a job with them, well sent my application form of last week, they are an airline that is going to operate to three places in Florida, they are hoping to bring back the glamour of flying and the Customer service side of things is to a very high standard, from what i gather.
They have backing from Brittania, a friend who is high up at BHX told me this. there website is www.flyblu.com

27th Feb 2004, 05:19
Thanx Mike16 - haven't we spoken b4?

Oh - and good luck - maybe let me know when you get your interview.....I have just sent my application in too!!!!!

The Richter

27th Feb 2004, 15:53
Hi Rich

Well good luck for yur application, i don't know how well will do, i have only ever done short haul, what about you ?
So, have we spoke before ? where do you work etc.... PM me

27th Feb 2004, 21:32
Looks like a very good venture, a niche market. Must watch developments closely and see how it goes. Good luck guys, hope you're succesful with interviews. Let us know how you get on.

28th Feb 2004, 00:39
I hope they are a go. I have applied and they sent me an application form which i returned and they phoned me a couple of days later to confirme that they had got it and would call me soon.
With it they also sent me a list of requirements that are not on the web site. Things like they prefer if you have wide bodied a/c experience and that they prefer you to have had more than economy experience. Bit harsh i thought but its what they want. Good luck to you and maybe i will see you at an interview in the near future.:ok:

28th Feb 2004, 05:00
Oh dear that counts me out then, i have only worked for a lo cost airline, no wide bodied experience, except really fat people who always want to go to the toilet when you are in the middle of a service !!!! Will this count ???? i don't think so.
And for economy service, well nothing more said..
Well i will try another airline then, hopefully some new ones may come to EMA, after all they do Barbados, india and bahrain now, you never know....