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25th Feb 2004, 08:22

I'd like to know more about crew rest on board.
usually, when can F/A have some rest during the flight, is it just for long haul flights ?
Can F/A be on duty on a flight and also on its come back when it's a short haul flight ? and then need rest?
Sorry if my english is not very understandable !
Thanks for your help

1st Mar 2004, 12:03
sorry Chris2rire but, this is a security issue and should not be discussed in a public forum such as this.

P.S. as a reminder for your own safety as well as your fellow crewmembers and passengers you should never discuss any flight specific information. (that is not limited to a particular flight or segment).but includes discussing how many f/a typically fly a specific type of aircraft (above minimums), their cabin deployment,passenger loads, locations of rest areas, rest periods,etc.., how often they do a specific segment (the terrorists would hate to be recognized esp on a scouting mission, and they could be feeling you out for information) No matter how sincere the person seems in his or her inquiry or how innocent the question is, even if it comes from an 85 year old grandma. please for all of our safety do not discuss anything even remoteley flight specific and if you are asked something you feel might be borderline use your best judgement and alert the purser and the cockpit ( as well as any F.A.M.s that may be onboard)

P.P.S. i am NOT accusing Chris2rire of anything. im just using this post as a springboard to remind my fellow crewmembers about security
fly safe

1st Mar 2004, 14:29
your concern for security is right but I don't think it covers general information such as Chris2rire was asking.
Besides, information like cabin layouts or number of seats on an aircraft type can be found on any airline timetable.


it depends on the airline and on the specific contract it has with its Cabin Crew.
Usually crew rest is only on Long Haul, but there are exceptions for long flights of Medium Haul. A crew can work outbound and inbound flights of Medium or Short Haul unless there is a crew change. Ex: a crew can flyLHR -CDG,CDG-LHR, LHR-DUS (from where another crew will start their duty) and then spend the night in DUS and be on duty again the following day to operate more flights.

1st Mar 2004, 23:11
hi flyblu, you said "information like cabin layouts or number of seats on an aircraft type can be found on any airline timetable." a

this is true, however most airlines (mine included) do have seat charts and list capacity. however they do not list the locations of crew rest areas ( A.A.'s security committee is working w/ the company on revamping their charts) nor the locations of emergancy equiptment. and as per US law our company does not give out information about load factors (i.e.how many passengers ended up on here today, it looks empty?).

Chris2rire asked in the original post "I'd like to know more about crew rest on board.
usually, when can F/A have some rest during the flight, is it just for long haul flights ?"
this IS asking for indormation that could potentially aid someone up to no good. (I.E. knowing only X number fo flight attendants are actually working and that Y number are all huddled up in a small confined area for a predetermined amount of time). as im sure your company has the same policy as mine to hide the manifest and the Break sheet. it just isnt meant for public knowledge.
thanks for your time
fly safe

P.S. alittle about me, so that you all dont think im nuts and am just paranoid. i am college educated w/ a major in criminal justice, a minor of phsyc,former police officer w/ special unit and advanced situations training,13 years as a flight attendant for a major US carrier and presently am on the security committee. my only goal is to educate my coworkers. remember its just us out there. the cockpit can not come to our rescue.