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c.r.m what is it
23rd Feb 2004, 19:06
Hi anyone here from Ba know exactly when the new uniform is going to come in? and also if the franchise airlines will get it at the same time? it does'nt do the airline any good making us wear old tatty uniform as they don't make it anymore!!!

24th Feb 2004, 02:33
Not heard of a definate date yet for the new uniform, however rumour has it that LGW staff will be getting it first at the end of April I beleive

24th Feb 2004, 21:46
i heard that we are getting it in april but because of the size of us that as soon as you have your fitting done you start wearing it right away so you will have a mixture of the old uniform and the new one and someone eles told me that we all start wearing it 1st of april and all at the same time so who knows but the sooner the better the one i have now is beeing held together with saftey pins xx

25th Feb 2004, 03:05
likewise - bloody buttons, only had my uniform just over a year when I moved from cargo to N terminal and the first button had fallen off before training had finished!!!!! :mad: Being a bloke and not very good at sewing had to resort to safety pins (run out of them now!!)

Anyway all I can say is the sooner the better

25th Feb 2004, 12:30
Sounds like the old Qantas uniform we had from 94 to 03! Gold buttons always falling off :yuk:

Id say you will change over the same way we did. I did a 3 day trip and changeover day was the last day of my trip so I had to drag the new one around for 3 days. The airline issued a cutover day with "1 months grace period" for those who didnt have it, or who had fitting problems etc, so it was no suprise to have half a crew wearing Navy with white shirt and red scarf /tie(old) and the othe rhalf wearing Black with white shirt and Brown Scarf/tie or dress.... It looked really odd I must say, and felt really sorry once on the airbus where 1 crew member out of 10 was the only one wearing the old uniform.... :{

Im sure you will love your new uniform, its great getting a new one..something new and fresh!!! :eek:


25th Feb 2004, 21:46
Aparently it will be in in April, but I doubt it very much! There's enough problems getting all us new enterants into the old uniform, let alone getting the whole of BA into a new one by April!!! I'm quite happy to stick with the old one until the new one comes in, but that's cause my 'old' one is a 'new' one if you get what I mean. lol :)

26th Feb 2004, 07:42
Good rule of thumb for anything new being introduced to/for staff at BA.

Take rumoured introduction/launch date and add about 6 months!!!

It will probably still be about 6 months after that when the change is made!!

Was in Cargo for 4.5 years, we were told about new uniform when I joined, was told it would be in place by Jan the following year (5 months after I started) we didn't actually see it until about 2yrs and 4 months after I started!!!

Joined pax group in July 2002 and we were told about new uniform in December and surprise, surprise................................nothing!!!!!

Judging by this I am guessing that at LGW being the launch station we probably won't actually see it until the end of the Summer schedule.

Oh well all I can say is I hope that what I have of my uniform lasts until then! (Still haven't received full scale of old uniform!)

28th Feb 2004, 19:15
Thank God I decided to buy those comfy navy cabin shoes afterall!! :)

Is it true that the new shoes will be black, and will it be pin stripe black, or pin stripe navy, cause I've heard both??!! I saw a photo of it in the BA newspaper, but it's hard to tell what colour it is..afterall, before I started with BA, I thought the ladies uniform was black from the pictures I'd seen!! lol :)

How many of the girls will wear the pants? I don't think I will...I'm a skirt girl through and through!

28th Feb 2004, 20:04
anyone know what is going to happen to the hats for the ladies now that the concorde has been retired?

28th Feb 2004, 20:21
I've been told they'll only be used for promotional things given to crew on the promotions team. It's a pity. I liked the hats, but all the crew I've spoken to who had to wear them never liked them.

29th Feb 2004, 19:34
I agree with you flyingsarah, the Hats just finished the uniform off and have spoken to loads of people who also agree - but I can appreciate that not many people would have liked wearing them?

4th Mar 2004, 10:42
Speaking as a wearer of the ugliest uniform in the sky, can you tell me what your new ones will look like? Color, style, etc? Ours is a magical grey that drains all the life from everyone.

4th Mar 2004, 14:54
Ohhh Chiney, that 's not fair! :ouch: I've seen much worse ( have a look here (http://www.uniformfreak.com/) ) and less comfortable! My sister used to wear BA uniform and it's not that bad! It has a certain class and the material is good even if it's true they could have done an effort on the fashion side.

5th Mar 2004, 13:41
Hey Flyblue, I'm talking about my uni (Delta). I like BA's!

5th Mar 2004, 13:54
Ahhhh! Ok, apologies :ok:

6th Mar 2004, 07:15
No, my fault, I was unclear... and I loved the link!