View Full Version : Accomodation Near Bankstown

Northern Chique
21st Feb 2004, 11:23
After cruising the various sites related to Sydney and thereabouts, I havent had much success finding someplace to stay while I do an IFR renewal. 1st March to the 3rd.... seems most places are booked out for the Mardi Gras....

If anyone can help, please dont hesitate to pm me if you dont feel like posting.

21st Feb 2004, 19:21
Can't ya do it closer to home Chiquey Babe? :confused:

21st Feb 2004, 19:51
There was/is a place out at Wankstown run by Spotless Catering, about $80/week, share on the bathroom/kitchen, at the back of the new Proflite office - give them a ring.

There is also a converted hanger or something behind some prop. mob. It is also share but alot nicer, about $110/week or something, exactly what you need if only there for a week or two - you will probably pay a higher price than the above if staying there for a short time.

Good luck!

Northern Chique
21st Feb 2004, 22:07
Oz, unfortunately no.... the only authorised chappys either only do in house stuff or visit Darwin.

The only school is owned by my ex boss, and for those who know the circumstances of my departure from that company, will understand why flying with that school is not about to happen.

Had other options, but liked the mob Ive done past renewals with, so here I go again after two years of no flying. Go figure, I must be going nuts! :p

Well folks... the renewal is booked.- arriving on the 1st... 2nd and test on the 3rd March ... and prolly the 4th, 5th a 6th as well :p

Boney, many thanks, will check out both.

22nd Feb 2004, 10:26
Say g'day to the guys for me wouldya Chiquester!

'Specially ole Bill. If you meet Greg, then he mnight have a tale or two to tell.... hehehe:}


22nd Feb 2004, 14:54
Say Boney... the place called Spotless Catering wouldn't happen to have been Hotel Fleabag, aka the RAC, in a previous life, would it? :eek: Sounds a lot like it... just hope it's been improved in the years since I stayed there... :}

Most unfortunate Chiquey hon, but I see yer problem. Am I right in guessing yer doing the flying at Bill Whitworth's place? I don't think you could've picked a better place for it! :ok:

There's always the High Flyer pub at the east end of BK. A long walk from there to anywhere on the airport, but last time I stayed there (2 years ago), it was clean and the rates were pretty reasonable. Rental cars available around the area too, if you need them.

Northern Chique
22nd Feb 2004, 18:39
Daaammm! Is nothing secret! :p

Yup, goiing to see Bill and the guys, to try their patience once again! and I will pass on all hellos!

And the Flyer may sound like a good start!

Thanks again

the wizard of auz
22nd Feb 2004, 18:51
Be vewy vewy carefull, if these two individuals know the people your doing your renewal with. It could get messy....... well after work anyway.
pity you didn't come over this way gal, could have been entertaining.
I see your old boss over this way now.

Northern Chique
23rd Feb 2004, 07:20

could get messy huh!

Whats my old boss doing over there! He is getting around :D

Dale Harris
23rd Feb 2004, 13:28
Well then, I guess that means I've been dumped.......

23rd Feb 2004, 17:59
Hmmm, well that proves wiz is jealous and Dale is just plain greedy! :p Just ignore them Chiquey Babe, coz yer doin the right thing! :ok: At the right place! :E

the wizard of auz
23rd Feb 2004, 20:25
not the big boss, I meant the she cp.
ozex, mate.....who pushed your button? ;) your just to old!!!:}

Northern Chique
26th Feb 2004, 10:02
Ahhhhh sheesh Im slow some days! :p she mentioned she was going back there. Hope all is working out for her.

Dale - dump you? Never :o :D

Doesnt take much to push OzEx buttons does it? ;) and age, Im told is relative :p

Stayin at the High Flyer... not a bad rate either!

26th Feb 2004, 14:59
Looks like I pushed wiz's button pretty good huh? :E Soundz like he's still jealous... :p Don't get too upset about it tho mate - there's at least one thing you've done during yer life that I haven't done... back in 2002 as I recall... :}

I hope that the "Flyer" works out okay for ya Chiquey hon. If not, just forget I ever mentioned it... ;)