View Full Version : Disclosures & BA

19th Feb 2004, 03:12
Start training for BA on monday but have not yet received my Disclosure Criminal Record Check back yet. :mad:

Its all clear and has been processed but theres a delay in despatching them. Does anyone know if you can start a training course without the certificate or will I have to wait?

Hope I don't have to wait - all geared up to start now! :)

I hope some of you BA guys who have just started will be able to shed some light???:confused:

19th Feb 2004, 06:03

Disclosure form is now vital for all staff working with aircraft. You dont need it for training but it is taking up to 2 months to get forms back!

Some guys that have just came on line that dont have it are getting temp passes to fly for 4 weeks i think? After that if they have not yet recieved the form by this time they are grounded on leave until they get it!

Hope this helps! Enjoy the training and welcome to BA!


19th Feb 2004, 07:30
I was grounded for 8 weeks after my course waiting for mine after a 'clerical' error then we were given special dispensation to use temp passes which are valid for 60 days (but be aware every time you swipe in it tells you ' card expiring' EVERY TIME - I KNOW ALREADY!!!!!!)
Ooops sorry!

So basically don't worry, enjoy the training course you'll have a great time and look forward to seeing you on line if you're WW LGW (you should know for definite on Mon)