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View Full Version : ATPL exams in the US, florida

6th Feb 2004, 04:28
hello everyone
I have to finish one more exams, aircraft general knowledge!!!!
I read that some students took the ATPL exams in florida. how can I join?
where is it in florida? any info? when is it?
thank you in advance.
also anyone who has feedback on AGK other than bristol would be greatly appreciate it.
thank you in advance

6th Feb 2004, 08:28
i am finishing up ATPL module 2 in florida

pm me for any required info

6th Feb 2004, 10:51
There is a joint user exam center for JAA ATPL exams in association with the UK CAA in Lake Mary, Orlando Florida.

This is a facility that is set up and paid for by three schools only, they are:

Helicopter Adventures

Delta Connection Academy/ Altantic Flight Training

Naples Air Center

There is a fee to use this center as the above schools are paying for independant invigilators, the conference room where the exams are held, and also the cost of the CAA to certify this exam center. The exams are held once a month, just the same as the UK exams, and to the same timetable.

Contact any of the three schools above for booking and costs.