View Full Version : Changing FPLS on Subs

21st Jan 2004, 07:47
This is a question regarding changing FPLs when another operator flies for you in the Eurocontrol area.

Whenever we sub someone in we keep our filed plans or RPL in the system for them to CHG or CNL. This then allows them to use our route, so they do not have the battle of getting a ACK. They can also check to see if the aircraft type is the same and if this is the case just add a OPR/XXX to the plan. This has the added advantage of holding any slot the aircraft may have. This also avoids them updating our FPL by filing a new plan and then us CNL it, if we're a little slow off the mark. If we leave the FPL in they do not have to wait for us to CNL as they can control the plan.

Recently one company we dealt with insisted we CNL all our FPLs although the aircraft types were identical and an OPR/XXX was only required. This was due to it being their company policy. This on some of the last minute changes caused slot delays. I have spoken to the company, Eurocontrol and other companies who work for us to find out what advantages or real reasons were for this policy. At the moment I cannot find any advantages or good reasons over our current system. So does anyone know why they may insist on a CNL every time and does your company have a policy or is it up to you?

21st Jan 2004, 19:09
In my last company we did a lot of subs in the early days and we always insisted on that we did all the flight plans and if the company insisted we use their route then we did, but we filed the flight plan to ensure we had total control over the slots.

Billy The Squid
22nd Jan 2004, 22:38
Have to say from my perspective as an OC that's worked for a couple of airlines that specialise in last minute subs, I prefer to CHG the RPL that's already in there. It avoids slot delays, you know the route works and all you have to do is put in your operater code.
Even if the a/c type/route/level are different this can all be done using the CHG message, generally without affecting the slot, (granted not always true as route/level changes can bring about a slot - but it's still better to CHG than re-file surely?) :cool: