View Full Version : Columbian aircraft registration

20th Jan 2004, 12:11
I noticed a DHL plane at MEX the other day and the rather unusual registration caught my attention: HK-14000HP. Now on landings.com it says that the suffix (Columbia) of the tailnumber has a special meaning/assignment. Anybody here who can shed light into the dark?

¡Muchas gracias!

El Squawk cuadruple siete

B Sousa
20th Jan 2004, 23:08
Not much light from this dim bulb, but I also went to the site and couldnt find anything with that many numbers registered in Columbia. I didnt dig far enough to help on the "HP" It also appears that this has been compiled by someone on AOL. as the link was to "[email protected]".
I suggect you drop an email and see. I doubt seriously that DHL would lend its name to anything sinister if they wish to operate in countries down south.

24th Feb 2004, 01:02
I found a picture (http://www.airliners.net/open.file?id=505879&WxsIERv=Qm9laW5nIDcyNy0yMDAvQWR2KEYp&WdsYXMg=REhMIENhcmdv&QtODMg=TWV4aWNvIENpdHkgLSBMaWNlbmNpYWRvIEJlbml0byBKdWFyZXogS W50ZXJuYXRpb25hbCAoTUVYIC8gTU1NWCk%3D&ERDLTkt=TWV4aWNv&ktODMp=SmFudWFyeSAyMDA0&BP=0&WNEb25u=UmljYXJkbyBNb3JhbGVzIEF2aWF0aW9uIFBob3RvZ3JhcGh5IG9m IE1leGljbw%3D%3D&xsIERvdWdsY=SFAtMTcxMERBRQ%3D%3D&MgTUQtODMgKE=TWZkLiAxMi8wNS84MC4gRm9ybWVyIFhBLU1FUSB3LiBNZXh pY2FuYSwgWEEtU0lWIHcuIFNhcm8gLCB3LiBBZ2VzIGFzIE43NTYzUSwgT08 tREhaIHcuIEV1cm9wZWFuIEFULCBhbmQgbm93IHdpdGggREhMIFBhbmFtYSB hcyBIUC0xNzEwREFFLiAyMCB5ZWFycyBhZ28gdGhpcyBiYWJ5IHdhcyBzdXJ maW5nIHRoaXMgYmx1ZSBNZXhpY2FuIHNraWVzIGFzIGl0IGlzIHNlZW4gbm9 3IGRlcGFydGluZyAyM1IuIChGdWppIFByb3ZpYSAxMDAp&YXMgTUQtODMgKERD=MTU4&NEb25uZWxs=MjAwNC0wMi0wNg%3D%3D&ODJ9dvCE=&O89Dcjdg=MjI0MjQvMTY4Mw%3D%3D&static=yes&size=M) of one of those DHL 727s. The plane's registration I saw was probably HK-1400DHP. Still have no idea what the suffix represents ....

7 7 7 7

24th Feb 2004, 16:18
As far as I know, and I use to fly in Colombia for 17 years, Colombian registration is "HK" and one, two, three or four numbers, depending on the year that was registered, allways followed by a letter... just one...
W- for executive or charter, P- for private, I-for schools and some others that I don't remember...
Unless DHL has being granted special regs, I never saw more than one letter on the regs...
And if the aircraft on the picture in registered in Colombia, is Illigal, cause they require the reg. to be painted on the bottom of the left wing, the top of the right and the tail..
Correct me if I'm wrong ... been a long time out of S.A.

Keep it safe :cool:

Panama Jack
24th Feb 2004, 23:43
Squak 7777, your link to the picture is a Panamanian registered DHL freighter. The prefix HP is Panama.