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View Full Version : FATPL so what do you do?

20th Jan 2004, 06:20
Ok, there are many out there with FATPL's with low hours.
I'm just curious as to what you do now for work? (or did before obtaining a flying job as FI or with airlines). :8

20th Jan 2004, 10:41
Well, a bit of on and off work, not much commitment.

Though I still get up near the clouds working as a roofer in West London.

Still, the view could be better...:)

22nd Jan 2004, 06:04
Cool. I was interested to see how many are in "proper" jobs or just temp. employment which gives flexibility.
Im in a similar position to you, but trying to get something more permanent. However, the downside is the amount of notice you will need to give, should you be lucky!

22nd Jan 2004, 19:35
I have a very good friend who went from postie to driving Dash-8s round the Caribbean in a matter of weeks.

I believe the technical term is "a right result" :ok:

24th Jan 2004, 04:30
Started an FI rating.
Did an MCC.
Ran out of money so got a job outside aviation.
Sent out CV after CV after CV.
Bought a share in an aeroplane. Flew regularly to keep current.
Found a cheap MEP sim. Flew regularly to keep skills up.
Kept going with FI rating part time when leave allowed
Got canned from the CTC ATP scheme in phase 3.
Gradually paid off training debts.
Just ready to take FI test and...
Got diagnosed with a serious illness.
Had Class 1 medical 'limited' (ie. useless for now).
Kept on Flying For Fun (with apologies to FFF) and loving every minute of it.

2.5 years on, still no flying job, do I regret it?
NO WAY!!!!

It is definitely a marathon rather than a sprint though.

24th Jan 2004, 23:50
is the illness a temporary thing? Hope it works out for you mate.
Intersting to see the various "non flying" jobs people do before obtaining any type of flying work!