View Full Version : JEFTS/UAS a question

20th Jan 2004, 06:12
Hi there, i'm due to finish my degree and am currenlty flying with a UAS as a pilot burser. I will not be anywhere near finishing the EFT syabus, infact doubt i will have reached IHT when i leave. So my question is this:-

Will i be sent back to complete EFT before i attend Cranwell? I have heard of a few people doing this.

Will i complete IOT at Crawell and then go to JEFTS (now a UAS)? If so will i start from scratch or will my previous hours count?

As an aside, how does the fitness band system work at IOT for female entrants? Are bands for both sex's or is there a seperate one for women?

Cheers PF

Right Stuff
20th Jan 2004, 08:30
Oh dear, that's not very impressive is it? Nor is your spelling, but anyway...

I have known either possibility happening; don't worry - they'll let you know which. IHT to FHT can be achieved relatively quickly given a continuous bout and good weather so it could well happen before IOT for you and would probably be for the best. If it happens the other way around your hours will most definitely still count (The RAF's pockets aren't exactly bulging at the moment).

As for the fitness, I think the female limits are lower than for the chaps - do a search for IOT on this forum

20th Jan 2004, 15:09
Have you asked your UAS Sqn Cdr? If the reason for reaching your current stage of flying is due to the time needed to read for a high quality degree, make that point and then propose what you think would be the best way to proceed, if that is a possibility open to you.

Personally I would try to get through IOT as a priority, then do your EFTS. You will certainly get some credit for your previous flying; however, after a couple of hours of refresher work you'd probably be expected to carry on from the point you left off. You will also be better paid once you graduate from IOT, whereas between University and IOT you are no longer an undergraduate, so I've no idea whether you'd be paid anything.

However, there may be some overall policy for people in your situation; again ask your QFI and/or boss for guidance.

Good luck at IOT; I understand that there are different fitness levels for ladies, but I may be out of date on that score.

20th Jan 2004, 23:11
I was in a similar situation and made to complete the EFT flying at UAS before going to IOT. As an unpaid direct entrant who was forced to put back his IOT entrance dates by four months because of this, it was all very annoying.

When I got to IOT I found out that others, much braver than I, when they had been told the same, told their Squadron Commanders what they could do, and thus got onto the IOT they were meant to and refreshed and completed JEFTS straight after graduation, with no ill effects on their future careers.

20th Jan 2004, 23:16
Better hurry up either way as the doors are shortly to be closed...great value for money the UAS system.

20th Jan 2004, 23:17
Thanks for your replys,

I think that i would be more inclinded to complete IOT and then come back to JEFTS... I have heard rummours that some pilots who did not reach the IHT stage of their training where sent to JEFTS to resit the whole course.... Anyone come across this?

As for fitness what do people recomend as the best type of training to get ones fitness up prior to Cranditz?

Thanks PF

5 Forward 6 Back
21st Jan 2004, 00:05
I might be out of touch, but I seem to remember the cut-off being your Spin Aeros Check; get passed that and it's probably back to old UAS to top-up, end before that and it'll be straight through a full DEFTS course. IHT makes more sense really, but who knows.

21st Jan 2004, 00:16

We recently had a stude, a final year bursar, who had to complete the syllabus before 1 EFTS would allocate an OACTU start date. He completed SAC prior to graduation and had to remain with us over the summer in order to finish the syllabus.

On the other hand, on our current DE course are ex-UAS members who did not complete the syllabus, were allocated OACTU dates after graduation and have started from Ex1.

We also have an ex-UAS top up student due to arrive after graduation for Cranwell. This does not appear to answer the question you asked, other than to point out that anything could happen. I suggest that point out to your boss what your preference is, an then hope that he fights your corner better than I did.

:confused: :confused:

PS Good Luck

Your Sqn can pay you, at the last count, 28 day attendance pay after 'summer camp'.

idle stop
21st Jan 2004, 15:55
Oh dear. Reading this thread makes me despair.
Once upon a time, when BEagle and idle stop were young idealisitic UAS students, the RAF had a 'quality' UAS/EFT/BFT training system.
Now, no doubt, it has an ISO 9002 or somesuch Quality rating, no doubt also an Investor In People: but 'training system'?
Truly, the lunatics are running the asylum for things to be in such disarray.
To the students: stay motivated, hang in there, and good luck.

21st Jan 2004, 17:02
Glad that it's not just me who thinks so!

The only solo flying which many ME RAF pilots will ever do nowadays is a mere 20 hours in plastic lightplanes..... Whereas I had around 5 times that amount before starting my AFTS course, nearly half of which was on proper jet aeroplanes. As did all my colleagues.

Who on earth allowed things to get into such a sorry state?

Talk Split
21st Jan 2004, 22:45

Didnt do Cranwell but did one of the other millitary colleges. In answer to your question about fitness, just do some training to build up your stamina. Some running would be a good idea . Do soom fast walking in boots aswell just to get the feet used to wearing them. Increasing your stamina will not only make the phys easier but increase energy levels when you (inevitably) get knackered doing all the other stuff (long days studying plus physical stuff).

Good luck


PS Don't worry about the flying training too much, just enjoy it whilst you are doing it. JEFTS isn't too bad!!

22nd Jan 2004, 20:08
Do remember that JEFTS was disbanded last July. It's a UAS DE flight you'll be going to. No Mighty Fireflies for you :{ , just das boche Teutor :ooh: .

22nd Jan 2004, 20:13
So, no contractor-operated French motor gliders with cloth-covered ailerons, just another contractor's Airfix Airforce with a German motor glider - Das Verdammte Teutor!

Once upon a time the RAF could afford to own and operate its own military trainers. How did it all go so wrong.....??

22nd Jan 2004, 20:36
Wasn't it something to do with 1 or 2 Tory defence reviews??

In it's defence, everybody I've spoken to loved flying the mighty Slingsby Firing-pin...... guess that's why it was retired!!

The Plastic fantastic does seem to have it's fans too, especially if your name is one of those on the contract I'd imagine. Mind you, we don't see much defence for the Tutor on these pages from those currently flying it, come on boys and girls.

Wouldn't know, give me the mighty 5 ton Bulldog any day! Can't beat losing a couple of thousand feet in a reasonable aeros sequence!!

Right Stuff
23rd Jan 2004, 07:14
In terms of anything I've flown so far in my pitifully short career the Tutor is a great piece of kit. With the initial IMC faff sorted (by the addition of a switch no less) there aren't too many complaints to make. It still has that new car smell and does everything as advertised. It doesn't roll enormously quickly and could probably do with a bit more vertical punch but thats what the more expensive toys are there for.

Other problems are the size of the canopy frame which manages to obscure vision exceedingly well and the G reg on the side which has this nasty effect of preventing it from flying below 500' AGL. Overall - great machine from my perspective.

23rd Jan 2004, 23:09

Missing CF?
The cct is a bit quieter without you, but then all these Tucanos turn up!

Hope all is well:ok:

23rd Jan 2004, 23:25
Missing it indeed. Definitely no aeros in a Saab 340 :{ .

24th Jan 2004, 04:16

Glad to hear you are airborne! Still pay the odd visit to CF (see above post!)


24th Jan 2004, 04:49

As mentioned above, the best trg you can do for Cranditz is jogging, and walking in boots.

For jogging, expect to be able to do 1.5 miles in 12 mins or under, an 3 miles in around 25-30 mins. On later exercises (dont worry, this will be built up) you will expect to do up to 30 km a day running and walking.

Swimming is also an important facet, and try to work on strength too, so you can help your mates out with heavy stuff...:ooh:

Finally, the RAF fitness standards are different for girlies, and lower...but then the male standards aren't exactly difficult, so you should have no worries, provided you look after yourself! :ok:

Get back to me if you need any more advice!:yuk:

25th Jan 2004, 02:36
HEy yeah i had same probs - graduated last yr, was only at SAC by crimbo and basically had to live at airfield for the summer hols to finish EFT! - As for fitness, womens is well low - think for bleep test was def under level 7 you had to get! - so if you average fitness should be ok! - as for the longer run, that wasnt too hard either, think about 1 mile in 12 mins (though dont quote me on that!)