View Full Version : Java Runtime Versions

18th Jan 2004, 20:06
There are two excellent resources now available online. The trouble is that NotamPlot (http://www.notamplot.flyer.co.uk) demands version 1.4.2 of the Java runtime environment and the EAD database (http://www.ead.eurocontrol.int/eadexplorer/indexPU_content.html) will only work with 1.3.1_04.

Is there any way to be able to use both on the same PC?


19th Jan 2004, 02:18
Hi Timothy

It is possibe.. The trick is to set supply different JRE version paths to the java executable so

For starters you'll need to install/extract both versions you require onto your pc say C:\1.4.2 and C:\1.3.1_04

For the Notam Pilot you'll need to create a shortcut using java.exe and setting the classpath switch to point to the lib folder of 1.4.2 and the and similarly for the EAD db application you'll need to set the classpath switch to point to 1.3.1_04. Once you have that done set the jar switch to point to jar file for the specific application

Eg java.exe -cp C:\1.4.2\lib -jar NotamPilot.jar

Here is a rather vague Java Forum reply to the same question but it says in different words what i've wrote above..


19th Jan 2004, 06:46

Blimey! That sounds complicated. Maybe I'll get someone cleverer than me in the office to set that up for me!

Thanks for telling me how to do it.
