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6th Apr 2004, 11:13
I can tell you that although Now may not be utilising Halycon House, they are grouped somewhere, i gave them a call on thier 0845 number, and it sounded very busy, they said they would be taking bookings around about June/July for autumn flights!

So the fat lady you guys so oftenly talk about just lost her voice!
for NOW anyways

6th Apr 2004, 14:10
Hmm, interesting development, as I thought. They are quietly working away at it. Maybe an email to LW is in order...

6th Apr 2004, 17:27
The Fat lady left the building last year.

They are starting up in Autumn? How can you believe anything after all that has gone on?

So they sounded very busy? Yeh! packing.

Give up :ok:

6th Apr 2004, 17:51
Teachin? You want to try learnin.

bacardi walla
6th Apr 2004, 19:06
It's easy to sound busy down the phone, shuffle paper, make noises etc. How busy do you really think they are, and wherever they are? Don't be fooled. Taking bookings in June/July for Autumn flights - which year though ?

crash_1983 The fat lady is about to sing, mark my words.

teachin With all due respect, I wouldn't waste your time e-mailing anyone. The reply will be just more false promises. My advice to you is to move on and leave NOW alone.

Tarek Nor Are we talking about the same doughnuts :uhoh:

7th Apr 2004, 16:07
bacardi, the idea of emailing was just a thought. I've moved on, I am due to start with a "proper" airline, you know, one that exists. Just hope others from NOW have moved on too and landed other jobs to their liking.

NOW was a good idea and concept, but well, not to be, well right now anyways. Will keep an eye on them though, does no harm...

8th Apr 2004, 09:30
One of our ex colleagues made a couple of calls to NOW on their 0845 number, each time information was positive. But we've heard that before. They are planning an Autumn launch with ticket sales in June/July. So we will see. The main thing now is LW emailing out to us all to ask for a return. I would be hesitant after 4 false starts, for me I would have to see a NOW aircraft parked on stand at LTN in NOW colours and a web site actively selling tickets before I would even think of dropping what I have found and going back...

Anyone else want to test out what they say? NOW's number is 0845 4589737...Let us know...

bacardi walla
13th May 2004, 08:17
Looks like it's now officially dead. Any remaining staff have now been made redundant and with no pay. Shoddy state of affairs.

13th May 2004, 08:44

Profit warnings from easyJet, Ryanair


There is a clear message here. There is little money to be made in Aviation at the moment. The established carriers are in for a rocky ride unless they keep a very tight reign on costs.

New carriers face almost insurmountable odds, no matter what business plan, or commercial concept they have up their sleeve.

Back to reality........

bacardi walla
13th May 2004, 09:15
The likes of BA will be the only ones that will survive. Nothing new there then.....:ugh:

13th May 2004, 11:33
Any remaining staff have now been made redundant and with no pay.

where did u get that from????

i have no clue if its true or false, just wondering if thats from an insider who was one of the unfortunate to get made redundant, or just a rumour?

bacardi walla
13th May 2004, 11:42
From one of those now facing the Q :{

13th May 2004, 14:12
I am reliably informed that NOW finally have got their funds. So we await the telephone calls...Well done LW !

bacardi walla
13th May 2004, 14:43
Mmmmm so why has everyone been laid off? I received this information from someone who was employed with them and now is not. here we go again, yes we are, no we are not, yes we are, no we are not...... NOW then, what is it this week ??

teachin forgive me, "reliably informed" is there such a phrase in Halcyon House ? How's the new job going ?

13th May 2004, 15:22
JMC - Man

i hate to say it but it looks like you were right. As a consequence i have been tenderising my hat since December, i reckon another 2 to 3 months and it should be ready.....

14th May 2004, 18:59
I am completely leavijg the aviation industry now. I have left the new job, the travel was too much and I nearly crashed car on way home, so a warning to me. So bye bye airlines. I have to say, the last year hanging around for NOW has taught me one thing. Don't trust anything until it happens.

14th May 2004, 19:30
Although i would like to believe the funding has been raised, excuse me for saying it, but i doubt it, after a call to LW yesterday he told me himself there was only a skeleton group left to TRY and get the funding, its just as well i found somewhere i love so much, all i have to say is good luck to the rest of the NOW team, and i hope that after 2 years of trying LW gets what hes wanted for so long! just a chance to succeed.

Good luck NOW

bacardi walla
15th May 2004, 07:21
A creditors meeting will be held next week or the week after. It's being wound up. I wonder how NG feels now :confused: Maybe would have got off the ground if someone else had been at the front leading......:ok:

15th May 2004, 09:03
I did hear before i took the job offer from NOW that most of NG's little ideas fail, maybe he should just stick to flying the planes!!

bacardi walla
15th May 2004, 10:37
That's a matter of opinion :p

19th May 2004, 07:06
A creditors meeting will be held next week or the week after. It's being wound up. I wonder how NG feels now Maybe would have got off the ground if someone else had been at the front leading......
To whom do you refer? I dialled their number the other day and got the standard answerphone message. Seems to indicate they are still at it.!

bacardi walla
19th May 2004, 10:50

Exactly. An answerphone message. Nobody actually picked up your call....... Funny how they don't answer calls, e-mails or letters.

Creditors means the likes of LLA for rent on the building, BT for phone rental and probably a few others who ain't being paid

26th May 2004, 05:03
From Now's Website............

Following the problems with completing the agreed funding for the Now Airlines project, the launch has been deferred until further notice.

Now Airlines Ltd has been put into receivership and any contacts should be made directly to
The Official Receivers Office, 1st Floor Trident House 42-48 Victoria Street St Albans AL1 3HR

A plan for the re-structuring of the group is being considered.

We obviously regret the measures taken, particularly in respect of the tremendous support from staff, partners and suppliers, and all the good efforts for Now to happen.

We do of course realise this announcement is very disappointing. However, we have an excellent team behind us and we hope that as a result of our efforts a strong airline will emerge for our passengers, staff and shareholders alike.

[email protected]

bacardi walla
26th May 2004, 08:30
Sad news but if you believe the last paragraph, you must be a mug ! Funny how NG got out and got himself a new job just as the ship was about to sink.......

26th May 2004, 16:46
Very sad at this. But not unexpected. As they say, look out for NOW mark II...

Boris Yeltsin
26th May 2004, 17:34
Long dead and buried.Look out for Mark II why bother what a load of pony.

Pony livery too.

bacardi walla
26th May 2004, 18:54
teachin - give it up mate, NOW mark 1 couldn't get off the ground so how do you think mark 2 will ?

Boris a touch of go in there somewhere !

At the bottom of the NOW home web page is an e-mail address [email protected] but I wouldn't expect a reply. I would imagine that LW has gone home to ponder things. If the e-mail re-routes to either him or another ex employee, again, I doubt a reply will come through. I would have thought though that all correspondance would now have to pass by the receiver !!

26th May 2004, 19:27
Nice of LW to let his so called, excellent team know about this, i thought the word TEAM meant communication, among many other things,

Just as well i found an airline that i LOVE working for, hope all the now crew have the same luck

trainer too 2
28th May 2004, 11:33
Looks like the low cost bubble is to go!! Based on the fact that a would be start up, which did not get any funding, aircraft nor a proper LCC platform you generalise that the bubble is bursting... :hmm:

28th May 2004, 13:36
Trainer 2- NOW did actually get aircraft. G-IGOE was at the stage of being painted up when it all went a bit sour. But someone at the stage of paperwork hand over dragged their feet and it all unravelled.

Optical Illyushin
28th May 2004, 15:10
Nevertheless a bit of a ridiculous statement to make on the back of Now's situation. Some people don't have the capacity let alone the desire to think....... :yuk: