View Full Version : Raaf Jsf

15th Jan 2004, 13:59
just a question on noise issues. if the f-111 is retired in the 2006 to 2010 time frame. it will make amberly a relatively quiet place. is this RAAF base going to be used again for the JSF because all of the people moved into the Ipswich area are going to kick up a stink if it is used beyond 2015 as a fast jet base. was there a plan to let people know that the RAAF is still there and making noise. noise is a real issue these days. especially people using the local mps as voice to the parliment. dont get me wrong i work on a RAAF base and love the noise. but the general country going public hate it.

16th Jan 2004, 07:30
Unfortunately I had a little trouble following your query but I gather it asks the question, could Ipswich tolerate the noise if and a big "if" JSF was to be based at Amberley.

Firstly whilst it is highly possible JSF will be the RAAF selection to ultimately replace the F111/FA18 component of our Air Defence system, it is not assured. The important thing to remember here is Australian politics and lets face it a new Government may not agree with the current policy and our investment may be lost in R&D and assist in projects post the JSF concept. Look at the RNZAF, the F16 was on the way, drivers had been identified and planning was well beyond the drawing board. Not only was that project cancelled with the new government, the whole Air Attack Force was removed from the RNZDF and is now a memory. My point here, nothing is assured when dealing with governments and there is still at least 2 elections to go before a JSF concept will occupy our airspace.

As for the possibility of basing JSF or equivelent in the Amberley area, I think any realistic resident realizes that one of the principal industries supporting that region is Defence, and this has been the case for at the very least 20-30 years. Having spent 5 years in the Ipswich location whilst growing up I can assure you that the community feeling is quite tolerable to the RAAF presence.

It is also important to note that the ADF is extremely sensative to public concerns and any new or ongoing ADF operations that may affect the community will be highly scrutenized, whether it be from a socio-economic point of view or more importantly an environmental point of view.

A very recent case in example is the introduction of the Hawk jet trainer to RAAF Williamtown. Remembering that RAAF Williamtown has been home to jet fighter aircraft since 1941, some of our previous serving jet fighters were actually far noisier than the current jets being introduced, eg. Mirage. The arrival of the new Hawk trainers has seen an intense environmental impact assessment being conducted ensuring local community concerns are addressed and additionally the criteria of the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act and Heritage Commision Act are met.

Summing up, any additional basing of ADF air assets at any existing or new units will require a compromise in environmental impact and community issues and Australia's National Defence intrests to achieve the best possible outcome for all cocerned.


16th Jan 2004, 07:46
thanks fox. you have answered everything, and more that i was trying to ask. i was just wondering in the interim between F-111 and JSF if there was going to be a temporary posting of hornets at amberley. but that would be a huge logistical task and i suppose a pretty stupid suggestion. cheers fox.