View Full Version : Ardmore Flying School

14th Jan 2004, 09:31
Hi all,

I am going to take a PPL course in Auckland. The school I will be staying is called Ardmore Flying School in Ardmore Airport. Can any kiwis tell me

1. Does this school provide a good PPL course? I am also considering Simuflight in the same airfield. Which one is better?
2. It seems Ardmore Airport is a small airfield. Does this affect my PPL?
3. I chose a school in NZ coz I thought it was cheaper to learn flying in NZ than OZ. Is it true?
4. Is living in Auckland expensive?

I am quite worried about my next 3 months in Auckland and wish any kiwis kind enough could answer my questions. Thanks! :ok:


14th Jan 2004, 13:35
1) Yes the PPL course is good. I dont think you will need to consider simuflight as they are no more. They have been taken over by MacAlpine and are a private school for the UK Easyjet cadets to be trained at.

2) Its one of the larger airfields in the country and I beleive is still the busiest in terms of aircraft movments. Definatly not small by NZ standards.Regardless it wouldnt affect your PPL - Big and Small both have ups and downs (Ive done both).

3) You will probably find It is the same in price (more or less) than what Australia is.

4) Cost of living is pretty cheap compared to most developed countries in the world - Auckland is more expensive than anywhere else in the country to live (apart from the odd exception). As an Idea - a house to rent in the area is about $300 - $400NZ - If you have a flat divide that by how many people are in it. Petrol about NZ$1.15ltr, McDonalds combo $6, Beer at an inner city pub $5, at a 'local' about $3.20. Thats the main expenses covered - any more Q's let me know.

I wouldnt be surprised if AFS is the biggest school in the country (depending how you measure it).