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9th Jan 2004, 10:01
Bush Budget Shoves It to Poor, Vets, Workers
George Bush's budget priorities couldn't be clearer: Throw money at the Pentagon and at the wealthy, and let almost everyone else scrounge.

His profligate military spending and his tax giveaways to the very wealthiest Americans have brought about a $450 billion deficit.

And now he's using the fact of that large deficit to say we cannot afford to spend more money on crucial domestic needs.

The New York Times reported on Sunday that Bush plans to crack down on rental vouchers for low-income families. His Administration intends to scrutinize local housing agencies and to force families seeking vouchers to jump through more hoops and provide more financial data to the government in exchange for the benefit.

And even as his economic policies have cost almost three million jobs, mostly in manufacturing, Bush intends to "merge or eliminate some job training and employment programs." That's sensitivity for you.

Then there's Bush's plan to make veterans pay more for prescription drugs. For a President who boasts at every opportunity of his love for the men and women in the armed services, this is a real slap.

The Pentagon has been considering a new proposal to increase pharmacy co-payments for retirees with at least 20 years of military service," the Times reported. "The charge for a generic drug would rise to $10, from $3, while the charge for a brand-name medicine would rise to $20, from $9."

Military vets are up in arms. "You're tampering with a benefit that was earned by people putting their lives on the line," James F. Lokovic, deputy director of the Air Force Sergeants Association, told the Virginian-Pilot.

The savings to the Pentagon from the new co-pays would amount to $728 million in 2005, the paper said.

Bush is perfectly willing to spend more than $150 billion on the Iraq War so far. But he's not willing to spend $1 billion on veterans' to preserve drug benefits for veterans, and he's chiseling away at housing vouchers for poor people and retraining funds for the unemployed.

There's nothing compassionate about that.

-- Matthew Rothschild

9th Jan 2004, 16:12
Has anyone read "Stupid white men ......and Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation!" by Michael Moore? Great book! Puts Dubaya Ltd into some perspective! :E

Amazon.com (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0060392452/102-6841185-3824937?v=glance)

9th Jan 2004, 22:37

Do you think that $150 billion raises itself? Everyone is having to make sacrifices. That is what happens in wartime. Remember we are fighting this war to ensure the survival of some key freedoms. I will list some below

1) The freedom to enjoy an increased risk of death every time you fly
2) The freedom to pay more for your fuel despite their being suddenly more of it available. Supply and Demand at work.
3) The freedom to live in a world that is being evermore rapidly poisoned by the US.
4) The freedom to travel to the toilet on a plane alone without being shot. How most women I know will cope with this I do not know as they always seem to go in groups of 3 or more.
5) The freedom, if you are French, to be treated like a dog turd because you will not worship the almighty dollar
6) The freedom, if you have a tan and facial hair, to be viewed with fear and suspicion wherever you go. (Do not even dare go near an airport and for godsake do not kneel on your coat)

This should be a good start. I look forward to additions from other pruners.



10th Jan 2004, 01:43
Allow me to suggest another book thats available from Amazon, its by William Blum and called "Rogue State"

Certainly opened my eyes

10th Jan 2004, 22:11
Some more cherished freedoms in the good ol' US of A:

1. The Freedom to avoid paying tax

2. The Freedom to censor books, plays and television

3. The Freedom to execute illiterates, the poor, blacks and the educationally subnormal.

The joke about capital punishment in America is that it's those without the capital that get the punishment.

12th Jan 2004, 03:18
As one New Yorker put it to CNN:

"Come election day, we're gonna have regime change in this country"

12th Jan 2004, 15:33
The freedom to become President of the US of A without having been elected in the majority. Remember – its not what you know but who you know (and who your daddy is) (and brother).